Direct Tax

One Day Registration for all dealers Under WBVAT

This Direc­torate has tak­en sig­nif­i­cant ini­tia­tives to grant quick and has­sle-free reg­is­tra­tion under the West Ben­gal Val­ue Added Tax Act, 2003 and the Cen­tral Sales Tax Act, 1956 to the deal­ers through the online process since August, 2011. It may be not­ed that one-day reg­is­tra­tion scheme for deal­ers apply­ing under the Tatkhanik Scheme has already been in ser­vice w.e.f. 27.05.2015 vide Trade Cir­cu­lar no. 10/2015.

In order to extend the ONE-DAY REGISTRATION SERVICE to all appli­cants, it has been decid­ed that for all appli­ca­tions of new reg­is­tra­tion under both the Acts sub­mit­ted by deal­ers, the reg­is­tra­tion shall be GRANTED WITHIN NEXT WORKING DAY of fur­nish­ing hard copy of com­plet­ed appli­ca­tion along with nec­es­sary doc­u­ments includ­ing appli­ca­tion fees and secu­ri­ty pay­ment details, if the appli­ca­tion along with the doc­u­ments sub­mit­ted is found in order. To avail this facil­i­ty the deal­er shall have to fol­low the fol­low­ing steps:-

1. Apply online for VAT Reg­is­tra­tion along with 

A. Upload­ing of the fol­low­ing essen­tial leg­i­ble scanned documents:- 

a. TRADE LICENCE(s) for prin­ci­pal place of busi­ness, Addi­tion­al Place(s) of Busi­ness, Factory(ies), Warehouse(s).

b. PAN of FIRM (Busi­ness)

c. PAN of OWNER (Proprietor/Partners/Directors/Karta etc.) 

d. RESIDENTIAL PROOF of Proprietor/Partners/Directors/Karta etc. 

e. SECURITY PAID CHALLAN (Rs.25000/- or Rs 10 lakh, as the case may be, respec­tive­ly for nor­mal or Tatkhanik scheme) 

B. Upload­ing of secu­ri­ty pay­ment (GRN) details. 2. Sub­mit the signed hard copies of acknowl­edge­ment, appli­ca­tion form, all sup­port­ing doc­u­ments as noti­fied in the web­site includ­ing scanned doc­u­ments of 1 A, appli­ca­tion fees and secu­ri­ty paid chal­lan before the reg­is­ter­ing authority. 

After suc­cess­ful receipt of the hard copies, if the appli­ca­tion along­with the doc­u­ments sub­mit­ted is found in order, the appli­ca­tion shall be grant­ed with­in next work­ing day of receiv­ing it. In case of any defi­cien­cy or lack of infor­ma­tion in the doc­u­ments fur­nished, the mat­ter shall be informed through e‑mail as ear­li­er. In the event of the said appli­ca­tion being reject­ed due to any rea­son, the appli­cant can use the said secu­ri­ty paid chal­lan against the fresh appli­ca­tion. This cir­cu­lar will take imme­di­ate effect. 

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