Online Application for Inspection or Certified Copies of Answerbooks of CA Final Examination MAY 2015

Sub­mis­sion of on-line appli­ca­tion for pro­vid­ing inspection/certified copies of eval­u­at­ed answer-books to the con­cerned examinees.

1. In terms of the deci­sion tak­en by the Exam­i­na­tion Com­mit­tee of ICAI, exam­i­nees of CA Exam­i­na­tions can now apply for inspec­tion or cer­ti­fied copies of answer books. Detailed pro­ce­dure in this regard is host­ed on the web­site in the students/examination section.

2. Inspection/certified copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books of the exam­i­nees would be pro­vid­ed to the con­cerned exam­i­nee only and to no oth­er per­son, under any circumstances.

3. Inspection/certified copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books pro­vides infor­ma­tion for their aca­d­e­m­ic guidance.

Before pro­vid­ing cer­ti­fied copies/inspection of eval­u­at­ed answer books to the exam­i­nees, ver­i­fi­ca­tion of answer books, with­in the scope of Reg­u­la­tion 39(4), will be car­ried out, by the office, suo motu, in respect of all appli­ca­tions for inspec­tion and/or cer­ti­fied copy of eval­u­at­ed answer book(s).

Ver­i­fi­ca­tion under Reg­u­la­tion 39(4) cov­ers the fol­low­ing aspects:

  • Whether any ques­tion or part there­of has remained unvalued
  • Whether there is any total­ing error in any ques­tion or total marks on the cov­er page
  • Whether there is any dis­crep­an­cy between the step­wise marks, total marks for each ques­tion indi­cat­ed on the cov­er page

How­ev­er, it may be not­ed that re-eval­u­a­tion of answers is not per­mis­si­ble under Reg­u­la­tion 39(4).

Con­se­quent upon sup­ply of cer­ti­fied copies/inspection of eval­u­at­ed answer books, dis­crep­an­cy if any, with­in the scope of ver­i­fi­ca­tion as envis­aged in Reg­u­la­tion 39(4) is noticed by the exam­i­nees, the exam­i­nees shall have the option to bring it to the notice of the office, with­in one month from the date of dis­patch of cer­ti­fied copies/inspection of eval­u­at­ed answer books.

4. Win­dow for sub­mis­sion of on-line appli­ca­tions for inspection/certified copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books is present­ly oper­a­tional only for CA Final, Intermediate(IPC), Intermediate(IPC) Units.


The win­dow is not yet oper­a­tional for post qual­i­fi­ca­tion cours­es and CPT. Exam­i­nees of CPT and post qual­i­fi­ca­tion cours­es can send in their hand­writ­ten appli­ca­tions along with the demand drafts for the applic­a­ble fees, so as to reach us, on or before the due date(s).

5.The peri­od of sub­mis­sion of appli­ca­tion for Cer­ti­fied Copies / Inspec­tion and the applic­a­ble fee is as under :

Exam From To Fees per paper (Rs.)

(10:00 Hrs IST)



Intermediate(IPC)/Units To be announced


6. Please down­load & print THIS DECLATARTION file on A4 size paper, Fillup the blank areas (in Eng­lish if the Medi­um wasEn­g­lish else in Hin­di if the Medi­um of exam was Hin­di) , Sign it, Scan as A4 (100DPI, upto 200KB). The signed scanned appli­ca­tion which is clear­ly read­able has to be uploaded. The list of papers for which Inspection/Certified Copies will be provided,will be tak­en from your selec­tion made thru the por­tal and not from what is writ­ten in the scanned image.

7. In case the uploaded scanned image is not con­form­ing to above para­me­ters, the online appli­ca­tion for inspection/certified copies will not be con­sid­ered for any action and NO refund of fees for the same will be considered.

8. The pay­ment has to be made online thru Master/Visa/Maestro Credit/Debit Card. Net bank­ing is not accepted.

9. After the Suc­cess­ful pay­ment you will get a screen like THIS. You may print the same & keep for your record. In case the mon­ey gets deduct­ed from your account and you do not get a “Suc­cess­ful” trans­ac­tion screen, the sta­tus of your appli­ca­tion will not be con­sid­ered suc­cess­ful and the same will not be processed by the office. The failed trans­ac­tions will be cred­it­ed back to your account with­in 45 days after the close of inspection/certified copies win­dow. Click here to check your Inspec­tion or Cer­ti­fied Copies appli­ca­tion pay­ment sta­tus.

10. Please note that it is manda­to­ry to upload scanned copy of your hand­writ­ten request on the por­tal, fail­ing which you will not be per­mit­ted to sub­mit an online request. In case you are unable to upload scanned copy of your hand­writ­ten request, or not able to login due to any rea­son, you may send your hand­writ­ten request along with the Demand Draft for the applic­a­ble fee, by speed post/registered post, to The Deputy Sec­re­tary (Exams), The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India, ICAI Bhawan, Indraprastha Marg, New Del­hi — 110 002 so as to reach us with­in the last date print­ed above.

11. The Status/Outcome of appli­ca­tions received for inspection/copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books will be host­ed on

12. In case a can­di­date has applied for both Ver­i­fi­ca­tion and Cer­ti­fied Copies/Inspection, the request/s for ver­i­fi­ca­tion of answer books will be han­dled first and once the same is com­plet­ed, there­after the Cer­ti­fied Copies of your answer books will be sent. Ver­i­fi­ca­tion is a time con­sum­ing process and it may take 6–8 weeks for com­ple­tion of the same. In view of this, it is pos­si­ble that sup­ply of cer­ti­fied copies may get delayed by upto 6–8 weeks from the date of your application.

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