States demanding a portion of the Centre’s revenue from GST on interstate trade

The Cen­tre is learnt to have turned down a key demand from min­er­al-rich, grain-pro­duc­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing states that they must be giv­en a por­tion of the Centre’s rev­enue from GST on inter­state trade to off­set their per­ceived rev­enue loss to “con­sump­tion states” in the GST regime. It has also reject­ed a pro­pos­al from all states that the man­date of dis­pute res­o­lu­tion should not be giv­en to the pro­posed GST Coun­cil, which is meant to have a con­sti­tu­tion­al role. These demands were made by respec­tive states as a pre­con­di­tion for their adop­tion of the supe­ri­or tax sys­tem that would avoid cas­cad­ing of tax­es and reduce the mul­ti­plic­i­ty of indi­rect taxes.

FE had ear­li­er report­ed that states like.….

Labour law exemptions for MSMEs in Madhya Pradesh

The Mad­hya Pradesh gov­ern­ment announced exemp­tion from some labour laws for the micro, small and medi­um enter­pris­es (MSME) sec­tor. Chief Min­is­ter Shiv­raj Singh Chouhan also said the gov­ern­ment would estab­lish a Rs 100-crore ven­ture cap­i­tal (VC) fund and a sep­a­rate depart­ment for…

Invitation to join panel of Commerce Clubs Author

For Pub­li­ca­tion of Your Arti­cle on E mail your arti­cles to Sub­scribe for dai­ly updates at: Sub­scribe to Com­merce Club would like to invite to join our esteemed pan­el of Authors. Authors who like to be  a part of…

Big Billion Day sale has backfired Flipkart

The block­buster Diwali sale on Flip­kart that gave it $100 mil­lion in sales in only 10 hours has back­fired Flip­kart. Flip­kart is now fac­ing scruti­ny of the gov­ern­ment, based on com­plaints from traders over under­cut­ting prices and adverse­ly affect­ing com­pe­ti­tion. A probe by the…