Grant of Post Matric Scholarship/Financial assistance by several Govt. bodies

Good news for Back­ward class­es stu­dents opt­ing to pur­sue Com­pa­ny Sec­re­tary course. The fol­low­ing bod­ies grant Post Matric Scholarship/financial assis­tance to the SC/ST/OBC/Physically Hand­i­capped and oth­er mer­i­to­ri­ous stu­dents pur­su­ing com­pa­ny sec­re­tary­ship course and their details are avail­able at their respective…


This time World Con­gress of Accoun­tants is to be held at Rome, Audi­to­ri­um Par­co del­la Musi­ca from 10th Novem­ber to 13th Novem­ber 2014. The theme of the Con­gress is “2020 Vision- Learn­ing from the past build­ing the future”. This will…

DIN‑3 replaced by DIR-3C

The e‑form DIR-3C, i.e., replac­ing e‑form DIN‑3 has been intro­duced by MCA for fil­ing. This form is for inti­mat­ing DIN of Direc­tors to ROCs. Some of the com­pa­nies were fac­ing issues in fil­ing of the forms due to non-avail­a­bil­i­­ty of…

RBI has released Taliban Sanction List

RBI Has released Tal­iban Sanc­tion List & instruct­ed Region­al Rur­al Banks and State / cen­tral Coop­er­a­tive Banks to update the list of individuals/entities as cir­cu­lat­ed by Reserve Bank and before open­ing any new account, it should be ensured that the name/s…

VAT Implication on E‑Commerce Firms

E‑commerce firms are com­ing in for a clos­er look by sales tax author­i­ties. The ‘mar­ket­place’ argu­ment used by these enti­ties to side­step for­eign direct invest­ment norms may not pass muster with tax author­i­ties keen to pro­tect their val­ue-added tax (VAT)…

Sebi seeks to ease pain of rising legal fees

The Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Board of India (Sebi). in a bid to ratio­nalise its expens­es, has asked the Union finance min­istry if it could deduct legal fees from penal­ties before remit­ting the amounts to the gov­ern­ment. The num­ber of cas­es in 2013–14…