FinMin begins Budget exercise

The finance min­istry on Fri­day ini­ti­at­ed the bud­getary exer­cise for 2015–16, seek­ing inputs from gov­ern­ment min­istries and depart­ments. “The Bud­get cir­cu­lar for 2015–16 is here­by issued, con­tain­ing the time­lines for sub­mis­sion to the finance min­istry, along with pre­scribed for­mats,” stat­ed an office mem­o­ran­dum. The…

IRDA may allow insurers to deal with equity derivatives

The Insur­ance Reg­u­la­to­ry and Devel­op­ment Author­i­ty (Irda) is look­ing to allow insur­ance com­pa­nies to deal with equi­ty deriv­a­tives. Irda has already allowed insur­ers to deal in rupee inter­est rate deriv­a­tives, includ­ing For­ward Rate Agree­ments (FRAs), Inter­est Rate Swaps (IRS) and Exchange Trad­ed Inter­est Rate Futures. The…