Income TaxOthers

Payment/Receipt in excess of Rs. 20000/- to be made in DD/Cheque/E‑Transfer on Sale/Purchase of Immovable Property

In order to reduce deal­ings of cash in immov­able prop­er­ty trans­ac­tions it is pro­posed to amend sec­tion 269SS and sec­tion 269T of the Act in Bud­get 2015. Sec­tion 269SS of the Act is pro­posed to be amend­ed to pro­vid­ed that no per­son shall accept from any per­son any loan or deposit or any sum of mon­ey whether as advance or oth­er­wise in rela­tion to trans­fer of immov­able prop­er­ty oth­er­wise than by an account pay­ee cheque or account pay­ee bank draft or by elec­tron­ic clear­ance sys­tem if the amount is Rs. 20,000 or more.

Sec­tion 269T is pro­posed to be amend­ed to pro­vide that no per­son shall repay any loan or deposit made with it or any spec­i­fied advance received by it oth­er­wise than by account pay­ee cheque or elec­tron­ic bank­ing account if the amount is Rs. 20,000 or more.

Penal­ty for accep­tance in Cash: In Con­sis­tent with the pro­pos­al Made in 269SS & 269T, Penal­ty for Vio­la­tion of the amend­ments to be cov­ered by mak­ing con­se­quen­tial amend­ment in Sec.271D & 271E respectively.

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