Post-Assessment pending Refund details to be uploaded by the Dealers in Portal: WB VAT

As announced by the Hon’ble Finance Min­is­ter in his Bud­get Speech for 2015–16, PostAssess­ment Refunds which remain pend­ing till date shall be dis­posed off with­in Sep­tem­ber, 2015. To expe­dite the dis­pos­als, Com­mer­cial Tax Direc­torate has deployed an online appli­ca­tion in the Deal­ers’ Pro­file where the deal­ers can sub­mit infor­ma­tion about postassess­ment refund cas­es pend­ing till date.

The required link is http://egov.wbcomtax.gov.in/DealerProfile/postAssmentRefund.htm The Deal­ers should pro­vide the Act, Account­ing Year, Assess­ment Case Num­ber, Date of Order and Refund Amount. If the refund amount had been mod­i­fied by any order of Appel­late Author­i­ty, the Appeal/Revision/Review Case No, the name of the author­i­ty, order date and mod­i­fied amount is also to be giv­en. The details of Bank Account where refund is to be cred­it­ed shall also be provided.

After sub­mis­sion of the infor­ma­tion, the deal­er should take a print out of the acknowl­edge­ment and sub­mit it before the respec­tive assess­ing author­i­ty along with the order(s) ref­er­ence of which is giv­en in the sub­mit­ted information.

The deal­er should com­plete the process lat­est by 31st May, 2015 to avail the oppor­tu­ni­ty of get­ting refund by Sep­tem­ber, 2015.

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