Postponement of CA Examinations at Kathmandu Centres

In view of the nat­ur­al calami­ty in Nepal, CA exam­i­na­tions sched­uled to be held from 2nd to 17th May, 2015 at Kath­man­du cen­tres only have been post­poned. Revised sched­ule for the exams at Kath­man­du cen­tres will be announced short­ly and will be host­ed on

Pur­suant to rep­re­sen­ta­tions received from Nepalese stu­dents pur­su­ing CA Course, it has been decid­ed to pro­vide an option to those can­di­dates who are citizens/permanent res­i­dents of Nepal and had ear­li­er opt­ed to appear in May 2015 CA exam­i­na­tions from a cen­tre in India to change their exam­i­na­tion cen­tre to Kath­man­du, for the May 2015 exam­i­na­tions, with­out pay­ing any incre­men­tal exam­i­na­tion fee or fee for seek­ing change of centre.

a) Can­di­dates who are desirous of opt­ing for change of cen­tre to Kath­man­du, may send their request quot­ing their name, reg­is­tra­tion num­ber, roll num­ber, cur­rent exam­i­na­tion cen­tre, their per­ma­nent and present address, e‑mail ID and phone num­ber at the e‑mail address men­tioned below, on or before 2nd May 2015.

Final can­di­dates :
Intermediate(IPC) can­di­dates :

b) No phys­i­cal appli­ca­tion shall be entertained.

c) Can­di­dates should scan and attach doc­u­men­tary evi­dence to the effect that they are citizens/residents of Nepal with the e‑mail. No cog­ni­sance, of any change of address to Kath­man­du, effect­ed in the records of the Insti­tute, on or after 25th April, 2015 will be accepted.

d) Option once exer­cised will be final. No fur­ther change of cen­tre will be permitted.

e) The option can­not be exer­cised group wise and will have to be exer­cised in toto, i.e. for both groups, in case the can­di­date is appear­ing for both groups.

f) Approval of the request for change of cen­tre to Kath­man­du, along with the name and address of the exam cen­tre there­in will be con­veyed to the can­di­dates by way of email as well as SMS. Name of the can­di­date, his roll num­ber, reg­is­tra­tion num­ber, name and address of the exam cen­tre at Kathaman­du to which they are allot­ted, will also be host­ed at

g) Can­di­dates are advised to vis­it the web­site of the Insti­tute from time to time, for fur­ther updates.

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