Prime Minister fixes April 2016 deadline for GST launch

Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi has giv­en direc­tions for Goods and Ser­vices Tax to be rolled out by April 2016. Modi met finance min­is­ter Arun Jait­ley on Mon­day to judge how far the GST prepa­ra­tions have moved. Accord­ing to Jait­ley, the Con­sti­tu­tion­al Amend­ment Bill to give states and the Cen­tre co-equal pow­er to tax ser­vices and pro­duc­tion can be intro­duced in Par­lia­ment in the Win­ter Ses­sion. This is the first struc­tured meet­ing on the tax mea­sure that has been held by Modi.

The big chal­lenge in the run up to GST is set­ting up of a nation­al IT frame­work that can act as a clear­ing house for the tax­a­tion of inter-state move­ment of goods. Finance min­istry offi­cials have told Modi that the IT frame­work would be up and run­ning by 2016.

The min­istry has already set up a GST cell head­ed by a joint sec­re­tary-lev­el offi­cer. This cell, which also has offi­cers from the Cen­tral Board of Excise and Cus­toms, will be the sec­re­tari­at for the empow­ered com­mit­tee of state finance min­is­ters and pilot the key bills through Par­lia­ment and mon­i­tor their sub­se­quent progress through state leg­is­la­tures. The set­ting up of the cell shows the min­istry has now begun to rush the timetable for GST roll out.

Modi is, how­ev­er, report­ed to have advised the finance min­istry to ensure that all the ele­ments are in place, before mak­ing the announce­ment for a nation­wide roll-out of the tax. GST will replace all domes­tic tax­es on pro­duc­tion and sale of goods and services.

While the finance min­istry is in favour of a sin­gle rate of tax in the bill, it has con­ced­ed to the demand by the states for a band with­in which their levies would flourish.

The Con­fed­er­a­tion of All India Traders that has most retail­ers under its umbrel­la has argued for a sin­gle rate. On the oth­er hand, rep­re­sen­ta­tives of major indus­tri­al hous­es have stepped up their lob­by­ing with the Cen­tre to make the tax come true. But irre­spec­tive of the choice of the rates the roll out of GST will be the sin­gle most eco­nom­ic reform in the country.

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