Procedure for Applying certified copies of evaluated answer-books of CA Exam

How to Apply for Cer­ti­fied Copies of Answer Book of CA Exam:

An exam­i­nee may seek inspection/certified copies of answer books, in the for­mat pre­scribed here­inafter, with­in 30 days from the date of dec­la­ra­tion of respec­tive result(s), with the applic­a­ble fee. Amy Apply at

Last Date for Appli­ca­tion for CA Final & CPT: 17th Feb­ru­ary, 2015

Last Date of Appli­ca­tion for CA IPCC: 5th March 2015

1. An exam­i­nee may seek inspection/certified copies of answer books, in the for­mat pre­scribed here­inafter, with­in 30 days from the date of dec­la­ra­tion of respec­tive result(s), with the applic­a­ble fee. They may also apply online at and pay the applic­a­ble fee online. There is no pro­vi­sion for sub­mis­sion of such requests with late fee. Appli­ca­tions received lat­er than 30 days from the date of dec­la­ra­tion of results will not be enter­tained under any

2. The fee is Rs 500/- per paper for Final, Intermediate(IPC)/ATE/Unit, CPT and post qual­i­fi­ca­tion courses

3. Before pro­vid­ing cer­ti­fied copies/inspection of eval­u­at­ed answer books to the exam­i­nees, ver­i­fi­ca­tion of answer books, with­in the scope of Reg­u­la­tion 39(4), will be car­ried out, by the office, suo motu, in respect of all appli­ca­tions for inspec­tion and/or cer­ti­fied copy of eval­u­at­ed answer book(s).

Ver­i­fi­ca­tion under Reg­u­la­tion 39(4) cov­ers the fol­low­ing aspects:
 Whether any ques­tion or part there­of has remained unvalued
 Whether there is any total­ing error in any ques­tion or total marks on the cov­er page
 Whether there is any dis­crep­an­cy between the step­wise marks, total marks for each ques­tion indi­cat­ed on the cov­er page
How­ev­er, it may be not­ed that re-eval­u­a­tion of answers is not per­mis­si­ble under Reg­u­la­tion 39(4).

4. Con­se­quent upon sup­ply of cer­ti­fied copies/inspection of eval­u­at­ed answer books, dis­crep­an­cy if any, with­in the scope of ver­i­fi­ca­tion as envis­aged in Reg­u­la­tion 39(4) is noticed by the exam­i­nees, the exam­i­nees shall have the option to bring it to the notice of the office, with­in one month from the date of dis­patch of cer­ti­fied copies/inspection of eval­u­at­ed answer books.

5. Inspection/supply of eval­u­at­ed answer books will be pro­vid­ed, gen­er­al­ly, with­in 30 days from the date of receipt of the appli­ca­tion by ICAI, com­plete in all respects includ­ing signed Dec­la­ra­tion and req­ui­site fee.

6. In the case of a request for sup­ply of cer­ti­fied copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books relat­ing to Com­mon Pro­fi­cien­cy Test (CPT) and ISA(AT), only pho­to­copy of the rel­e­vant OMR answer sheet will be pro­vid­ed. The rel­e­vant ques­tion paper or the key will not be provided.

7. Inspection/certified copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books of the exam­i­nees would be pro­vid­ed to the con­cerned exam­i­nee only and to no oth­er per­son, under any circumstances.

8. Phys­i­cal appli­ca­tions, should be in the hand­writ­ing of the can­di­date himself/herself.

9. Physically/visually/mentally chal­lenged exam­i­nees who had been per­mit­ted by ICAI to engage the ser­vices of a scribe/writer for writ­ing the exam­i­na­tion, shall sub­mit the appli­ca­tion seek­ing inspec­tion of the rel­e­vant eval­u­at­ed answer books, in the hand­writ­ing of the same scribe/writer.

10. If the exam­i­nee had appeared in Hin­di medi­um, his/her appli­ca­tion should be in Hindi

11. Type­writ­ten appli­ca­tions will not be entertained.

12. The appli­ca­tion should be duly signed by the examinee.

13. The exam­i­nee shall also fur­nish a dec­la­ra­tion in the for­mat pre­scribed. (Copy enclosed)

14. The hand writ­ten appli­ca­tion accom­pa­nied by the applic­a­ble fee and a copy of the admit card should be sent at the fol­low­ing address:-
The Addi­tion­al Sec­re­tary (Exam­i­na­tion)
The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India
ICAI Bhawan
Indraprastha Marg
New Del­hi 110 002
15. The appli­ca­tion should be sent by reg­is­tered post or by speed post only and not by any pri­vate couri­er or ordi­nary post, at the above address. Exam­i­nees are advised to retain a copy of the receipt issued by the postal author­i­ties while send­ing their appli­ca­tion as evi­dence of hav­ing despatched their application.

16. Appli­ca­tions incom­plete in any respect and/or with illeg­i­ble entries or with­out the applic­a­ble fee or the pre­scribed “Dec­la­ra­tion” shall be liable to be rejected.

17. The fees is payable by way of a demand draft drawn in favour of “The Sec­re­tary, The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India” payable at New Del­hi and sent along with the appli­ca­tion for inspection/certified copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books. Exam­i­nees are advised to write their name and roll num­ber on the reverse of the demand draft.

18. ICAI shall host the data of appli­ca­tions ( both online and phys­i­cal) received from the exam­i­nees seek­ing inspection/certified copies of answer books, at . Appli­cants can check the sta­tus of their appli­ca­tions from the said website.

19.  Under no cir­cum­stances, inspection/certified copies of answer books will be giv­en to those exam­i­nees whose results have been withheld/cancelled/have not been declared for any rea­son what­so­ev­er. Sim­i­lar­ly no access to answer books will be allowed to exam­i­nees against whom unfair means cas­es are reported/under consideration.
20. ICAI reserves the right to decline the request of any exam­i­nee for inspection/certified copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books, in case it has rea­son to believe that the request has been made with a mali­cious inten­tion to dis­cred­it the exam­i­na­tion sys­tem of the Institute.
21. If the exam­i­nee is found guilty of any mis­use of the inspection/certified copies of the eval­u­at­ed answer books, he/she shall be liable for award of pun­ish­ment, such as debar­ment from appear­ing at fur­ther examination(s) or oth­er action as may be deemed fit by the Exam­i­na­tion Committee/Council of the Insti­tute in this regard.
22. The deci­sion of the Exam­i­na­tion Committee/Council of the Insti­tute in this regard will be final.
23. For any/all dispute(s) relat­ing to exam­i­na­tions con­duct­ed by the Insti­tute, includ­ing on the above­men­tioned mat­ters, the Courts at New Del­hi shall have exclu­sive jurisdiction.
24. Con­tact details:
E‑mail IDs, as per the exam: (For post qual­i­fi­ca­tion courses)
Help Desk: 0120 3054 851, 852, 853, 835
CPT : 0120 3054 805, 806
Intermediate(IPC) Exam : 0120 3894 810, 832
Final : 0120 3054 808, 809
Post qual­i­fi­ca­tion cours­es : 0120 3054 836
Fax 0120–3054841/843
Points rel­e­vant for inspec­tion of eval­u­at­ed answer books only
25. The exam­i­nee will be advised in writ­ing, the date and time at which he/she can inspect his/her eval­u­at­ed answer books. They will be required to come for inspec­tion at the appoint­ed date and time only and request for change of date/time will gen­er­al­ly not be permitted.
26. ICAI shall also host the details of the roll num­bers of the exam­i­nees who have been called for inspec­tion of the eval­u­at­ed answer books on its web­site on a reg­u­lar basis for the infor­ma­tion of the examinees .
27. Inspec­tion of answer books will be giv­en only to the exam­i­nees , at their own cost, and not to their par­ents, guardians, or any oth­er per­son rep­re­sent­ing the exam­i­nee, in this behalf. At the time of phys­i­cal inspec­tion, only the exam­i­nee will be per­mit­ted to inspect and no one else will be per­mit­ted to accom­pa­ny him/her.
28. Phys­i­cal­ly chal­lenged exam­i­nees ( includ­ing those who are visu­al­ly chal­lenged and those chal­lenged by cere­bral pal­sy etc) and have been allowed the facil­i­ty of a writer for the exam­i­na­tion in ques­tion, will have the option to bring along the same per­son, who act­ed as his/her writer, for inspec­tion of his/her answer books, at their own cost.
29. Inspec­tion of eval­u­at­ed answer books will be giv­en only at the ICAI’s office at NOIDA, at the fol­low­ing address, on work­ing days at the appoint­ed date and time. Inspec­tion of the answer books shall not be allowed at any oth­er loca­tion of the Institute’s offices.

The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India
ICAI Bhawan
A‑29, Sec­tor 62,
Dist. Gau­tam Bud­dh Nagar (U.P)
NOIDA 201309
30. The exam­i­nee will be required to pro­duce his/her admit card or his stu­dent iden­ti­ty card or any oth­er pho­to iden­ti­ty card duly cer­ti­fied by a Char­tered Accoun­tant, at the time of inspec­tion of answer books as a proof of his identity.
31. The exam­i­nee will not be allowed to car­ry mobile phone, cam­era or any oth­er elec­tron­ic gad­get or any paper or pen at the time of inspection.
32. How­ev­er, the exam­i­nee will be per­mit­ted to car­ry the rel­e­vant ques­tion paper and also note down ques­tion-wise marks secured by him/her, on a sheet of paper with pen­cil sup­plied by the Insti­tute. 33. No queries relat­ing to the exam­i­na­tion, eval­u­a­tion, or any oth­er thing that may arise from the inspec­tion of the answer books or oth­er­wise, by the exam­i­nees, will be enter­tained dur­ing the process of inspection.
34. The exam­i­nees are required to sign a reg­is­ter in acknowl­edge­ment of hav­ing availed of the inspec­tion of eval­u­at­ed answer books.
35. Inspec­tion of a set of eval­u­at­ed answer books will be per­mit­ted only once.  Points rel­e­vant for pro­vid­ing cer­ti­fied copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books only:
36. Cer­ti­fied copies of the same set of eval­u­at­ed answer books will be pro­vid­ed only once.
37. ICAI shall pro­vide cer­ti­fied copies of eval­u­at­ed answer books ( in sin­gle copy only).
38. ICAI shall host the dis­patch sta­tus of appli­ca­tions for cer­ti­fied copies of answer books ( both online and phys­i­cal) at . Appli­cants can check whether the cer­ti­fied copies sought by them, have been dis­patched from the said website.
39. On receipt of cer­ti­fied copies of the eval­u­at­ed answer books, the exam­i­nee shall be the sole cus­to­di­an of it and under any cir­cum­stances the exam­i­nee shall not part with the custody/possession of the same and also shall not use the same for any oth­er purpose/s, includ­ing ref­er­ence to experts/media etc.
40. The cer­ti­fied copies so obtained by the exam­i­nee shall be for his/her exclu­sive use. Nei­ther the said exam­i­nee nor any oth­er per­son can use the said copy to dis­pute or chal­lenge the qual­i­ty of assess­ment or quan­tum of marks assigned to the answers therein.

Noti­fi­ca­tion & Appli­ca­tion For­mat Attached

Let­ter For Dis­crepen­sy Format

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