Procedure of filing electronic Appeal/Revision/Review petition under the WBVAT Act, 2003 and the CST Act, 1956
TRADE CIRCULAR NO. 03/2015 DATED: 01.04.2015
As a part of ongoing computerisation process for making filing of appeal, revision and review petitions easier and transparent for dealers, e‑Appeal was launched by the Directorate on pilot basis for the dealers of Corporate Division and Kolkata (South) Circle. After successful pilot runs of the process in these two wings, we are going to roll out e‑Appeal Module for all the dealers registered under the WBVAT Act, 2003 and the CST Act, 1956 throughout all the Circles in West Bengal with effect from 01.04.2015.
Trade Circular No. 14/2013 dated 05.12.2013 was issued laying down the procedure on how a dealer, registered under the WBVAT Act, 2003 and the CST Act, 1956 under the jurisdiction of Corporate Division, would file electronically his petition of appeal or revision or review. The dealers of all Circles will follow the same procedure as laid down in Trade Circular No. 14/2013 dated 05.12.2013 for this purpose.