Procedure of Obtaining E‑waybill in GST in West Bengal

Procedure of Obtaining E‑waybill in GST in West Bengal

As per the new sys­tem, the Way Bills will have to be gen­er­at­ed and print­ed from the Directorate’s web­site by the import­ing per­sons after fur­nish­ing the required par­tic­u­lars, which are described as under: -

❖    Waybill Links: -

 Main Link:>e‑Services->waybill

Sub-links: Under the main link: -

  1. For Dealers/Taxable Per­sons hav­ing a valid GST Pro­vi­sion­al ID/GSTIN
  2. For Dealers/Taxable  Persons/  Unreg­is­tered  Per­sons  not  hav­ing  any  valid  GST Pro­vi­sion­al ID/GSTIN
  • Procedure:

A. For Dealers/Taxable Persons having a valid GST Provisional ID/GSTIN

Login Process: -

  • VAT deal­ers can login with their exist­ing VAT User ID and Password
  • New­ly Reg­is­tered GST dealers/persons shall have to cre­ate User ID and Pass­word for first time login. After sub­mit­ting GSTIN/Provisional ID, valid mobile, valid e‑mail ID, address, two sep­a­rate OTPs will be sent to their respec­tive mobile No. and mail ID. After suc­cess­ful sub­mis­sion of the two OTPs, the e‑mail ID will be set as the User ID and he will be asked to set own pass­word for login. No fur­ther cre­ation of User ID is required for fur­ther login.

Waybill Generation:- 2‑step process

Step‑1: Gen­er­a­tion of bulk way­bill keys for gen­er­a­tion of Way­bill Key Num­bers required for gen­er­a­tion of way­bill in future

  • The top­most part of the form will be auto-pop­u­lat­ed with con­signee data like Trade Name, PAN, Mobile No., etc.
  • He shall have to enter details of Con­sign­or like Trade name, GSTIN, address, State and also the num­ber of keys required for the par­tic­u­lar con­sign­or, depend­ing on the num­ber of consignments.
  • An acknowl­edge­ment with the req­ui­site Way­bill Key Num­bers will be generated.
  • Such keys may be used one at a time for gen­er­a­tion of

Step‑2:Generation of waybill using waybill key number

  • Login to the link Demat way­bill con­sign­or / con­signee agent
  • Enter GSTIN/Provisional ID, Way­bill Key and captcha code and submit
  • Fill up details of invoic­es in down­load­able blank annex­ure, save as xml file and upload
  • In the opened form, enter Mode of Trans­port, Vehi­cle (if mode of trans­port is Road), Name/ Address/ Enrol­ment No. of the transporter/ own­er of the vehi­cle, Details of Con­sign­ment Note / Rail­way receipt / Air­way Bill / Bill of lad­ing with date, Total no. of invoice/ Tax invoice/cash memo/ bills/challan/ for­ward­ing note etc. (as per annexure),value of goods (as per annex­ure), Pos­si­ble entry loca­tion, name of autho­rised per­son with sta­tus and after enter­ing captcha code and click­ing dec­la­ra­tion, sub­mit the details.
  • Way­bill will be gen­er­at­ed with a preview
  • Take a Printout
  • Reprint can also be tak­en in future.
  • Oth­er process­es like can­cel­la­tion of way­bill keys/ way­bills, tran­ship­ment shall be made fol­low­ing the same pro­ce­dure as was exist­ing under the WBVAT Act, 2003. Nec­es­sary user man­u­al can be accessed under the link e‑services->waybill->e- way­bill link.


B.      For  Dealers/Taxable  Persons/  Unregistered  Persons  not  having  any  valid  GST Provisional ID

Login: After going to the link

  1. Appli­cant should enter his name, address, valid e‑mail id, valid mobile no and his PAN [Manda­to­ry]
  2. Upon sub­mis­sion, he shall enter a Captcha code
  3. He then gets three options — UR way­bill appli­ca­tion, UR way­bill gen­er­a­tion & UR way­bill reprint

Waybill application :

  1. Enter con­signee Trade name, Address, PAN
  2. Enter Con­sign­or Trade name, Address, PIN, PAN, State GSTIN
  3. Enter Trans­porter detail (option­al)
  4. Enter Total of Invoice, Date, Entry location
  5. Upload xml file show­ing invoice detail
  6. Enter Sta­tus of the user
  7. Upload pro-for­ma invoice (jpeg / pdf)
  8. Upon sub­mis­sion, he will get Acknowl­edge­ment slip with Appli­ca­tion print­ed on it.
  9. The appli­ca­tion shall then be placed before Offi­cer of Way­bill Sec­tion, who, upon nec­es­sary ver­i­fi­ca­tion, may grant or reject or defer dis­pos­al for further
  10. If grant­ed, a way­bill key num­ber shall go to applicant’s mobile N
  11. If reject­ed, appli­cant will be inti­mat­ed via
  12. If deferred, appli­cant has to come to give If it is sat­is­fac­to­ry, appli­ca­tion may be grant­ed, oth­er­wise rejected.

Waybill Generation: -

  1. The appli­cant shall have to log in again using the login process and select way­bill Generation
  2. He shall  fill  up  the  nec­es­sary  par­tic­u­lars  regard­ing  transporter’s  details    and gen­er­ate way­bill and take a print­out for trans­porta­tion of goods.

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