
Quotation for Engaging Chartered Account for Preparation of Proforma Account from 1980–81 to 2013–14


The select­ed bid­der should Pre­pare Pro­for­ma Account for The Govt. Press, Port Blair, in accor­dance with the exist­ing norms and for­mat. The Pro­for­ma  Account should be audit­ed and cer­ti­fied by the Indi­an Audit & Accounts Depart­ment, Port Blair. Dur­ing the entire peri­od of prepa­ra­tion of Pro­for­ma Account the firm will involve the con­cerned staffs des­ig­nat­ed by the depart­ment in the process. The entire work of prepa­ra­tion of Pro­for­ma Account from 1980–81 to 2013–14 should be com­plet­ed with­in one year from the date of agreement.


  • Cost of Bidding

The Bid­der shall bear all the costs asso­ci­at­ed with the prepa­ra­tion and sub­mis­sion of its bid, and the Ten­der­ing Author­i­ty in no case, will be respon­si­ble or liable for these costs, regard­less of con­duct or out­come of the bid­ding process.

  • Bid­ding Document
  • Price bid should be sub­mit­ted in the Pro­for­ma annexed at Annexure–II.
  • The Bid­der is expect­ed to exam­ine all instruc­tions, forms, terms and con­di­tions in the bid­ding doc­u­ments. Fail­ure to fur­nish all infor­ma­tion required by the bid­ding doc­u­ments or sub­mis­sion of a bid not sub­stan­tial­ly respon­sive to the bid­ding doc­u­ments in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in rejec­tion of the bid.
  • Prepa­ra­tion of Bids
  1. Lan­guage of Bid

The bid pre­pared by the Bid­der, as well as all cor­re­spon­dence and doc­u­ments  relat­ing to the bid exchanged by the Bid­der and the Ten­der­ing Author­i­ty shall be in Eng­lish only.


  1. Bid Cur­ren­cy: Prices shall be quot­ed in Indi­an Rupees only.
  • Bids shall be valid for 180 days after the date of bid open­ing. A bid valid for a short­er peri­od than 180 days shall be reject­ed by the tender
  • Earnest Mon­ey Deposit

EMD of Rs. 17,000/- (Rupees sev­en­teen thou­sand only) in the form of Account Pay­ee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt, Banker’s Cheque or Bank Guar­an­tee from any of

the Commercial/nationalized Banks drawn in favour of The Man­ag­er, Govt. Press, Port

Blair and payable at Port Blair should be sub­mit­ted. The bid secu­ri­ty is to remain valid

for a peri­od of six­ty days beyond the final bid valid­i­ty peri­od. Ten­ders not accom­pa­nied by EMD or incom­plete in any respect shall be liable to be reject­ed summarily.

  • The EMD shall be in Indi­an Rupees only.
  • The EMD of unsuc­cess­ful Bid­ders will be returned. EMD of Suc­cess­ful Bid­der shall be

returned on sub­mis­sion of Per­for­mance Guarantee.


The Bid­ders shall seal the enve­lope and the enve­lope should be super-scribed as “ Bid for engag­ing Char­tered Accoun­tant for Prepa­ra­tion of Pro­for­ma Account from 1980-

81 to 2013–14 with date of sub­mis­sion and addressed to: The Man­ag­er, Govt. Press,

Port Blair – 744 101. Phone: 03192–229216.

  • If the enve­lope is not sealed and marked, the Ten­der­ing Author­i­ty will assume

no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the Bid’s mis­place­ment or pre­ma­ture opening.

Telex, cable or fac­sim­i­le bids will be rejected.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion includ­ing terms and con­di­tion of ten­der please refer the web­site www.and.nic.in

The last date receipt of the quo­ta­tion in the Office of the Man­ag­er, Govt. Press, Port Blair is

12/11/2014 upto 3.00 PM and will be opened at 3.30 PM on the same day.

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