Rate of Interest payable on late payment of WB Vat has been changed

Rate of inter­est payable by a deal­er has been graded-

Under the exist­ing pro­vi­sions of law, the rate of inter­est, wher­ev­er applic­a­ble, is twelve per cen­tum per annum for the peri­od com­menc­ing on the date imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing the pre­scribed date of pay­ment and up to the date pri­or to the date of pay­ment or assess­ment. A new sec­tion 34B has been insert­ed w.e.f. 01.04.2015 where­by the rate of inter­est has been grad­ed into three dif­fer­ent rates in the fol­low­ing man­ner depend­ing on delay in pay­ing tax :-

Sl. No. Peri­od of delay for which inter­est is payable Rate of interest
1 Up to the first 90 days 1 % per month
2 After the first 90 days and up to 300 days 1.5 % per month
3 After the first 300 days 2 % per month

2 thoughts on “Rate of Interest payable on late payment of <span class="caps">WB</span> Vat has been changed

  • Anup Kajoria

    How will the inter­est on the late pay­ment of tax will be calculated?
    Say for exam­ple : I have delayed in mak­ing pay­ment of inter­est by 93 days. How will i cal­cu­late inter­est. Whether it will be for first 90 days = Tax amount * 1% * 90/365 and for remain­ing 3 days = Tax amount * 1% * 3/365 ???


    how do i deposit inter­est in delay p tax depo­si­tion in west ben­gal ptax


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