RBI releases its Monthly Bulletin for October 2014
The Reserve Bank of India today released the October 2014 issue of its monthly Bulletin. The Bulletin includes four special articles: 1. Monthly Seasonal Factors of Selected Economic Time Series: 2013–14; 2. Performance of the Private Corporate Business Sector, 2013–14; 3. Performance of Financial and Investment Companies, 2012–13; and 4. House Price Index: 2010-11 to 2013–14.
- Monthly Seasonal Factors of Selected Economic Time Series: 2013–14 This article presents the estimated monthly seasonal factors of selected 85 major macroeconomic series, broadly covering five major sectors, namely, Monetary and Banking Indicators (17 series), Prices (WPI/CPI) (29 series), Industrial Production (30 series), External sector (3 series) and Services Sector Indicators (6series) based on monthly data for the period 2004-05 to 2013–14. The seasonal
factors have been estimated using X‑13ARIMA-SEATS software package, developed by the US Bureau of Census, taking care of Diwali as a major festival as well as trading day effects.
Main Findings:
- Seasonal variation in Broad Money (M3) was observed to be lower than that for Currency in circulation, Narrow Money (M1) and Reserve Money (RM) over the years. After showing an upward movement till 2006-07, the seasonality of M3 declined gradually. Demand Deposits of SCBs witnessed higher seasonal fluctuations than Time Deposits of SCBs, which remained within the narrow band of 1.4 to 2.0. Most of the monetary and banking aggregates witnessed their seasonal peaks in March/ April.
- Among the price related series, range of seasonal factors of WPI-All Commodities increased from 1.4 in 2004-05 to 1.7 in 2007-08, and thereafter, reverted to 1.1 in 2010-11 before a gradual increase to 1.4 in 2013–14. For a majority of WPI/CPI series, the seasonal peaks were during August-October. The range of seasonal factors for ‘Primary Articles’ prices was more than three times the seasonality in the WPI-Manufactured Products.
- In the case of CPI for Agricultural and Rural Labourers, similar movement in seasonal variations was observed with the former having slightly higher variation than the latter. The seasonality of different CPI series was consistently higher than WPI-All Commodities. The difference between the seasonal variations of CPI series and WPI-All Commodities has however, widened after 2008-09.
- Seasonal variation of IIP-General increased marginally over time. Most of the IIP series had their peak seasonality in March. Among the use-based classification of goods, IIP-Consumer non-durable goods exhibited highest 2 seasonality, whereas IIP-intermediate goods was the only group where seasonality has reduced over the years.
- Among India’s merchandise trade variables, seasonal variation in export was higher than import except during 2006-09 whereas Non-Oil Non-Gold Import and total merchandise import have shown similar seasonality.
- Performance of the Private Corporate Business Sector, 2013–14
This article analyses the performance of the private (non-financial) corporate business sector during 2013–14 (April ‑March) based on the earnings results of 2,854 companies, along with the evolving trend in sales, expenditure and profit margins of the corporate sector over a longer horizon. Besides analysing at the aggregate level, it analyses the corporate performance by size and major industry groups.
Main Findings:
- The aggregated sales growth of the private (non-financial) corporate business sector moderated during 2013–14, for the third consecutive year. Although, an upturn had been noticed during the second quarter of 2013–14, sales growth declined in the third quarter and then flattened subsequently in the fourth quarter. Performance of small companies further worsened.
- Moderation in sales growth in the manufacturing sector continued. The services (other than IT) sector also witnessed lower demand. Earnings Before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) margins declined for the manufacturing and the non-IT services sectors. IT sector has recovered in 2013–14 showing higher growth in sales and net profit after some moderation last year. However, the recovery was not spread across the size groups.
- The trends in various components of expenditure as a proportion to sales revealed that at the aggregate level, CRM (cost of raw materials) to sales recorded a steady increase till 2011-12 and then moderated in the recent years. Staff cost to sales ratios have increased in the recent two years. The interest to sales ratio increased from 2.3 per cent in 2007-08 and stood at 3.7 per cent in 2013–14, witnessing fluctuations in between.
- At the aggregate level, EBITDA margin remained steady in 2012–13 and 2013- 14, although significantly at a lower level than that in 2007-08. Net profit contracted in 2013–14 for the third consecutive year and net profit margin declined over the last three years.
- Quarterly results of 2,291 common companies showed an overall declining trend in sales growth during the previous eight quarters. However, it also showed an increase in net profit growth in Q4:2013–14 on a Y‑o-Y basis. Limited results for Q1:2014–15 hinted at an improvement in sales growth and profitability.
The data pertaining to the performance of the private (non-financial) corporate business sector during 2013–14 was earlier released on the RBI website vide press release No. 450 on September 2, 2014
- Performance of Financial and Investment Companies, 2012–13
This article presents the performance of non-Government non-banking financial and investment companies during the year 2012–13 based on the audited annual accounts of 1,005 companies closed during the period April 2012 to March 2013. The study also presents a comparable picture over a three year period from 2010-11 to 2012–13 based on the data of these common companies.
Major findings:
- Growth in financial income of the select 1,005 financial and investment companies moderated to 23.2 per cent in 2012–13 from 30.4 per cent in 2011- 12 mainly due to lower growth in interest income.
- Growth in total income also decelerated during the year 2012–13 (24.7 per cent) vis-à-vis previous year (28.9 per cent)
- Total expenditure increased by 28.5 per cent in 2012–13 (37.7 per cent in 2011-12) aided by a fall in growth of interest expenses to 37.4 per cent (57.6 per cent in 2011-12).
- Growth in operating profits (EBDT) of the select companies was lower during the year 2012–13 whereas growth in net profits of the companies’ improved. Operating profit margin (measured as a ratio of operating profits to financial income) declined together with marginal fall in return on assets (ratio of net profits to total net assets) and return on shareholders’ equity (ratio of net profits to net worth) in comparison with the previous year.
- Even though the growth in borrowings from the bank declined significantly, the share of bank borrowing to total borrowing increased. The debt to equity ratio also increased in 2012–13 as compared to that in 2011-12.
- Within liabilities, share of the major component , long-term borrowings increased marginally; on the assets side too, share of loans and advances rose.
- The financial and investment companies continued to rely mainly on external sources for funds and used it predominantly for expanding their long-term loans and investment portfolios.
The data pertaining to the performance of non-Government non-banking financial and investment companies for 2012–13 was earlier released on the RBI website vide press release No. 647 on September 26, 2014
- House Price Index: 2010-11 to 2013–14
This article presents the trends in house prices of ten major cites (Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kanpur and Kochi) in India for the period Q1:2010–11 to Q4:2013–14 based on a house price index compiled by the Reserve Bank. For the first time, an approach for compiling a size-wise house price index in India is illustrated in this article. The data for these indices are based on the official records of registration authorities of various state governments. Recent trends in the house price index reveal that increase in the
house price, which was steep in the last few years, has since moderated in 2013–14. In particular, the house price increase in the small and medium size category has moderated more sharply as compared to the large size category.
Source : www.rbi.org.in