RBI will again print rupee one notes soon

After a gap of about two decades, the RBI will again put in cir­cu­la­tion rupee one notes soon. Print­ing of one rupee note was dis­con­tin­ued about 20 years ago. These cur­ren­cy notes are legal ten­der as pro­vid­ed in the Coinage Act 2011. The exist­ing cur­ren­cy notes in this denom­i­na­tion in cir­cu­la­tion will also con­tin­ue to be a legal tender,

Unlike oth­er cur­ren­cy notes which the bear sig­na­ture of RBI Gov­er­nor, the one rupee note will have sig­na­ture of the Finance Sec­re­tary. One rupee note or coin is issued by the Gov­ern­ment of India. In Novem­ber 1994, print­ing of one rupee note was stopped main­ly due to high­er cost and for free­ing capac­i­ty to print cur­ren­cy notes of high­er denom­i­na­tion. Print­ing of two and five rupee notes too were dis­con­tin­ued in 1995. Since then, only coins have been issued for these denominations.

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