Personal FinanceRBI

RBI’s clarification on free transactions at other bank ATMs

The Reserve Bank of India on Fri­day clar­i­fied that the total num­ber of free-of-charge trans­ac­tions (inclu­sive of both finan­cial and non-finan­cial) at oth­er bank ATMs would con­tin­ue to remain at five a month if the trans­ac­tions are car­ried out at both the metro cen­ters and oth­er locations.

While the over­all cap of five remains unchanged, only three trans­ac­tions (inclu­sive of both finan­cial and non-finan­cial) would be free of charge if car­ried out at oth­er bank ATMs locat­ed in six metro cen­ters — Mum­bai, New Del­hi, Chen­nai, Kolkata, Ban­ga­lore and Hyderabad.

At oth­er loca­tions (oth­er than the six metro cen­ters men­tioned above), the present facil­i­ty of five free trans­ac­tions for sav­ings bank account cus­tomers shall remain unchanged.

Banks are, how­ev­er, free to offer more num­ber of free trans­ac­tions a month at oth­er bank ATMs as well as own ATMs in any geo­graph­i­cal location.

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