Income Tax

Rent received from mobile Tower which has been erected on the top at the building would be taxable under the head house property

ITAT Del­hi held in the case of Man­preet Singh Vs. ITO, I.T.A. No.: 3976/Del/13 that Rent received from mobile Tow­er which has been erect­ed on the top at the build­ing would be tax­able under the head house property

In brief, the assessee received rent for instal­la­tion of mobile anten­nas at the ter­race and claimed a deduc­tion @ 30% u/s 24(a). Where­as, the AO rejects the claim and treat­ed the income as income from oth­er sources. The CIT(A) has also tak­en the same view on the basis of deci­sion pro­nounced by Hon’ble High Court of Cal­cut­ta in the case of Mukher­jee State Pvt. Ltd. vs. CIT (2000) 244 ITR 1 (Cal) where it was held that if the rent is only for fix­ing the hoard­ing, it can­not be treat­ed as part of the build­ing, nor could it be treat­ed as land appur­tenant there­to, there­fore such income will have to be sep­a­rate­ly con­sid­ered as income from oth­er sources and held in the in the present case that as the rent was only for pro­vid­ing space for instal­la­tion of the mobile anten­nae on the top of build­ing, and such income is tax­able under the head income from oth­er sources.

The hon’ble ITAT held that once the fact is estab­lished that “rent was only for pro­vid­ing space for instal­la­tion of mobile anten­na”, then it is irrel­e­vant to con­sid­er whether anten­na will be a part of a build­ing or land appur­tenant there­to as the true test is whether such a space, as has been rent­ed out, is part of the build­ing or land appur­tenant there­to. The rent is not for the anten­na but for the space. The space which has been rent­ed out and, there­fore, as long as the space, which has been rent­ed out, is part of the build­ing, the rent is required to be treat­ed as “income from house property”.

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