Repo Rate Reduced by 25 Basis Points by RBI Today

As announced by the Gov­er­nor today, it has been decid­ed to reduce the Repo rate under the Liq­uid­i­ty Adjust­ment Facil­i­ty (LAF) by 25 basis points from 7.50 per cent to 7.25 per cent with imme­di­ate effect.

Con­se­quent to the change in the Repo rate, the Reverse Repo rate under the LAF will stand adjust­ed to 6.25 per cent with imme­di­ate effect.

All oth­er terms and con­di­tions of the cur­rent LAF Scheme will remain unchanged.

Con­se­quent to the change in the Repo rate, the Mar­gin­al Stand­ing Facil­i­ty (MSF) rate will stand adjust­ed to 8.25 per cent with imme­di­ate effect.

All oth­er terms and con­di­tions of the cur­rent MSF scheme will remain unchanged.

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