Request for Expression of Interest for services of Concur-rent Auditor for 2014–15 FY FLOOD AND RIVER EROSION RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY of ASSAM (FREMAA)
4th Floor, Nayantara Building Sixmile, Guwahati 781022
Request for Expression of Interest for services of Concur-rent Auditor for 2014–15 FY
FREMAA on behalf of the Government of Assam is implementing Assam Integrated Flood end Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Investment Program (Loan No. 2684} with loan from ADB. The Chief-Executive Officer, FREMAA invites expression of interest from OA firms having experience in conducting financial audit of ACM/ World Bank assisted Project Accounts Interested firms are requested to submit their ‘Expression of interest (E0I) containing the following documentation. The audit firm may opt for a joint venture, consortium or as to enhance their qualifications.
- Brief Profile of the organization.
- Proof of authorization of the auditing firm being authorized to practice in India and are capable of applying the agreed auditing standards as laid down by CAG
- The firm must be in the list of approved auditing Aims by CAG to carryout audit of government agencies;
- The audit firm should have been operating for a minimum of 10 years out of which during the past 5 years’ it must have audited government/public sector agencies or its equivalent. The copy of the registration of audit firm along with the list of government agencies audited by the firm and proof thereof which demonstrates the capability and audit performance of the firm, should be submitted. Certification of the government agency for OW) audit was carried out by the firm shall also be considered as…supporting documentation, should be pro-vided.
- Annual audited accounts for the past 5 years,
- Staff strength by category i.e. FCAJACA availability of trained staff capable of through audits_ The audit firm shall provide curriculum vitae (CVs) of the auditors who will provide the opinions and reports, together with the CVs of key personnel likely to be involved in the audit work. These CVs should include details of audits carried out by these staff, including ongoing assignment.
- Experience in Assam or North-eastern States — advantageous.
Interested firms/organizations should submit their ‘Expression of Interest’ (Eol) in full along with the aforesaid supporting documents under two bid systems i.e.
- Technical bid (ii) Financial bid all inclusive.
Important Date
- Last dale for submission of Eol in sealed envelope is 16.12.2014 by 2.00 PM
- Date of opening Technical bid :- 15.12.2014 by 3.00 PM
The EoI received after the due date and time will not be considered for evaluation. Short listed firms/organizations will be invited to submit their proposals and implementation plans for evaluation by FREMAA