
SBI Shares Splited from Face Value of Rs.10 to Rs.1 on 20.11.2014

SBI Stock SpilitThe country’s largest pub­lic sec­tor lender had sub­di­vid­ed the face val­ue of its equi­ty shares to Re 1 from Rs 10.

State Bank of India has informed the exchanges State Bank of India has informed the exchanges that it has fixed the Novem­ber 21, 2014 as the record date for deter­min­ing the eli­gi­bil­i­ty of share­hold­ers enti­tled to receive 10 equi­ty shares of nom­i­nal val­ue of Rs 1 each in lieu of 1 equi­ty share of nom­i­nal val­ue of Rs 10 each on account of reduc­tion in face val­ue (Sub-divi­sion of equi­ty shares).

Stock split increas­es liq­uid­i­ty of a share as more retail investors buy the share due to its reduced price per share.

The board of direc­tors of the bank, in a meet­ing on Sep­tem­ber 24, decid­ed to reduce the face val­ue of equi­ty shares of the bank from Rs 10 per share to Rs 1 per share and to increase the num­ber of issued shares in pro­por­tion thereof.

Ear­li­er on Sep­tem­ber 9, ICICI Bank board also approved the sub-divi­sion of one equi­ty share hav­ing face val­ue of Rs 10 each into five equi­ty shares of face val­ue of Rs.2 each. PNB, on Sep­tem­ber 22, too grant­ed in-prin­ci­ple approval for spilt of exist­ing equi­ty shares of face val­ue Rs.10 each into five equi­ty shares of face val­ue of Rs.2 each.

Axis Bank also split its shares in July, accord­ing to which its share­hold­ers received five equi­ty shares of nom­i­nal val­ue of Rs 2 each in lieu of one equi­ty share of nom­i­nal val­ue of Rs 10 each.

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