Service Tax

Service Tax Accounting Codes

Sr.No Ser­vice Category Date of  Introduction Account­ing codes
Tax Col­lec­tion Oth­er Receipts
1 Adver­tis­ing 01.11.1996 00440013 00440016
2 Air Trav­el Agent 01.07.1997 00440032 00440033
3 Air­port Services 10.09.2004 00440258 00440259
4 Archi­tect 16.10.1998 00440072 00440073
5 ATM Oper­a­tions, Man­age­ment or Maintenance 01.05.2006 00440346 00440347
6 Auc­tion­eers’ ser­vice, oth­er than auc­tion of prop­er­ty under direc­tions or orders of a count of or auc­tion by Cen­tral Govt. 01.05.2006 00440370 00440371
7 Autho­rized Ser­vice Station 16.07.2001 00440181 00440182
8 Aux­il­iary to Gen­er­al Insurance 16.07.2001 00440169 00440170
9 Aux­il­iary to  Life Insurance 16.08.2002
10 Bank­ing & Oth­er Finan­cial Services 16.07.2001 00440173 00440174
11 Beau­ty Parlor 16.08.2002 00440209 00440210
12 Broad­cast­ing 16.07.2001 00440165 00440166
13 Busi­ness Aux­il­iary Service 01.07.2003 00440225 00440226
14 Busi­ness Exhi­bi­tion Service 10.09.2004 00440254 00440255
15 Busi­ness Sup­port Service 01.05.2006 00440366 00440367
16 Cable Oper­a­tor 16.08.2002 00440217 00440218
17 Car­go Handling 16.08.2002 00440189 00440190
18 Char­tered Accountant 16.10.1998 00440092 00440093
19 Clean­ing Service 16.06.2005 00440318 00440319
20 Clear­ing & For­ward­ing Agent 16.07.1997 00440045 00440046
21 Clubs and Associations 16.06.2005 00440322 00440323
22 Com­mer­cial or Indus­tri­al Construction 10.09.2004 00440290 00440291
23 Com­mer­cial Train­ing or Coaching 01.07.2003 00440229 00440230
24 Com­pa­ny Secretary 16.10.1998 00440100 00440101
25 Con­struc­tion of Res­i­den­tial Complex 16.06.2005 00440334 00440335
26 Con­sult­ing Engineer 07.07.1997 00440057 00440058
27 Con­ven­tion Centre 16.07.2001 00440133 00440134
28 Cost Accoun­tant 16.10.1998 00440096 00440097
29 Couri­er Services 01.11.1996 00440014 00440018
30 Cred­it Card, Deb­it Card, Charge Card or oth­er pay­ment card relat­ed services 01.05.2006 00440394 00440395
31 Cred­it Rat­ing Agency 16.10.1998 00440088 00440089
32 Cus­tom House Agent 15.06.1997 00440026 00440027
33 Dredg­ing 16.06.2005 00440310 00440311
34 Dry Clean­ing 16.08.2002 00440221 00440222
35 Erec­tion, Com­mis­sion­ing or Installation 01.07.2003 00440233 00440234
36 Event Man­age­ment 16.08.2002 00440197 00440198
37 Fash­ion Designer 16.08.2002 00440213 00440214
38 For­ward Con­tract Services 10.09.2004 00440282 00440283
39 Fran­chise Service 01.07.2003 00440237 00440238
40 For­eign Exchange Broker 01.07.2003 00440173 00440174
41 Gen­er­al Insurance 01.07.1994 00440005 00440006
42 Health Club & Fit­ness Centre 16.08.2002 00440205 00440206
43 Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­er­ty Service 10.09.2004 00440278 00440279
44 Inte­ri­or Decorator 16.10.1998 00440076 00440077
45 Inter­net Café 01.07.2003 00440241 00440242
46 Inter­net Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion Service 01.05.2006 00440382 00440383
47 Life Insur­ance 16.08.2002 00440185 00440186
48 Mail­ing List Com­pi­la­tion and Mailing 16.06.2005 00440330 00440331
49 Man­age­ment Consultant 01.07.1997 00440116 00440117
50 Main­te­nance or  Repair Service 01.07.2003 00440245 00440246
51 Man­dap Keeper 16.10.1998 00440035 00440036
52 Man­pow­er Recruit­ment or Sup­ply  Agency 07.07.1997 00440060 00440061
53 Mar­ket Research Agency 16.10.1998 00440112 00440113
54 On-line Infor­ma­tion & Data­base Access or Retrieval Service 16.07.2001 00440153 00440154
55 Opin­ion Poll Service 10.19.2004 00440274 00440275
56 Out­door Caterer 10.09.2004 00440051 00440052
57 Pack­ag­ing Service 16.06.2005 00440326 00440327
58 Pan­dal or Shami­ana Services 10.09.2004 00440054 00440055
59 Pho­tog­ra­phy 16.07.2001 00440129 00440130
60 Port Ser­vice ( Major Ports) 16.07.2001 00440177 00440178
61 Port Ser­vices( Oth­er Ports) 01.07.2003
62 Pub­lic Rela­tions Service 01.05.2006 00440374 00440375
63 Rail Trav­el Agent 16.08.2002 00440201 00440202
64 Real Estate Agent / Consultant 16.10.1998 00440104 00440105
65 Recov­ery Agent 01.05.2006 00440350 00440351
66 Reg­is­trar to an Issue 01.05.2006 00440338 00440339
67 Rent — a — Cab Operator 16.07.1997 00440048 00440049
68 Sale of space or time for  Adver­tise­ment, oth­er than print media 01.05.2006 00440354 00440355
69 Sci­en­tif­ic or Tech­ni­cal Consultancy 16.07.2001 00440125 00440126
70 Secu­ri­ty Agency 16.10.1998 00440108 00440109
71 Share Trans­fer Agent 01.05.2006 00440342 00440343
72 Ship Man­age­ment service 01.05.2006 00440378 00440379
73 Site Prepa­ra­tion 16.06.2005 00440306 00440307
74 Sound Record­ing 16.07.2001 00440161 00440162
75 Spon­sor­ship ser­vice pro­vid­ed to any body cor­po­rate or firm, oth­er than spon­sor­ship of sports event 01.05.2006 00440358 00440359
76 Steam­er Agent 15.06.1997 00440029 00440030
77 Stock Bro­ker 01.07.1994 00440008 00440009
78 Stor­age & Warehousing 16.08.2002 00440193 00440194
79 Sur­vey & Explo­ration of Minerals 10.09.2004 00440270 00440271
80 Sur­vey and Map Making 16.06.2005 00440314 00440315
81 T.V. & radio Pro­gramme Pro­duc­tion Services 10.09.2004 00440286 00440287
82 Tech­ni­cal Test­ing & Analysis 01.07.2003 00440249 00440250
83 Tech­ni­cal Inspec­tion & Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Agency 01.07.2003 00440249 00440250
84 Tour Oper­a­tor 01.09.1997 00440063 00440064
85 Trans­port of goods by Air 10.09.2004 00440266 00440267
86 Trans­port of goods by Road 01.01.2005 00440262 00440263
87 Trans­port of goods in con­tain­ers by rail {‘oth­er than Indi­an rail­way’  omit­ted w.e.f. 01.09.2009} 01.05.2006 00440390 00440391
88 Trans­port of goods oth­er than water, through Pipeline or oth­er conduit 16.06.2005 00440302 00440303
89 Trans­port of pas­sen­gers embark­ing on inter­na­tion­al jour­ney by air, oth­er than econ­o­my class passengers 01.05.2006 00440362 00440363
90 Trans­port of per­sons by cruise ship 01.05.2006 00440386 00440387
91 Trav­el Agent oth­er than Air & Rail Travel 10.09.2004 00440294 00440295
92 Under­writer 16.10.1998 00440084 00440085
93 Video Tape Production 16.07.2001 00440157 00440158
94 Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion 01.06.2007 00440398 00440399
95 Rent­ing of immov­able property 01.06.2007 00440406 00440407
96 Works con­tract 01.06.2007 00440410 00440411
97 Con­tent Devel­op­ment & Supply 01.06.2007 00440414 0440415
98 Asset Man­age­ment 01.06.2007 00440418 00440419
99 Min­ing Ser­vices( Oil & Gas) 01.06.2006 00440402 00440403
100 Design Ser­vices 01.06.2007 00440422 00440423
101 Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy Soft­ware services 16.05.2008 00440452 00440450
102 Invest­ment Man­age­ment for ULIP 16.05.2008 00440430 00440431
103 Rec­og­nized Stock Exchange 16.05.2008 00440434 00440435
104 Rec­og­nized Asso­ci­a­tions-Com­mod­i­ty Exchange Services 16.05.2008 00440438 00440439
105 Clear­ing & Pro­cess­ing House services 16.05.2008 00440442 00440443
106 Sup­ply of Tan­gi­ble Goods services 16.05.2008 00440445 00440447
107 Cos­met­ic or Plas­tic Surgery Services 01.09.2009 00440460 00440463
108 Trans­port of Coastal goods, Goods through Nation­al Water­ways or Goods through Inland Waterways 01.09.2009 00440470 00440473
109 Legal Con­sul­tan­cy Services 01.09.2009 00440480 00440483
110 Pro­mo­tion, mar­ket­ing or orga­niz­ing  of games of chance includ­ing lot­tery, bin­go etc. services 01.07.2010 00440595 00440596
111 Health ser­vices under­tak­en by Hos­pi­tals or Med­ical establishments 01.07.2010 00440598 00440599
112 Main­te­nance of Med­ical Records services 01.07.2010 00440601 00440602
113 Pro­mo­tion of Brand of Goods, Ser­vices etc. 01.07.2010 00440604 00440605
114 Ser­vices of Per­mit­ting Com­mer­cial Use or Exploita­tion of any event 01.07.2010 00440607 00440608
115 Elec­tric­i­ty Exchange Services 01.07.2010 00440610 00440611
116 Copy­right Services 01.07.2010 00440613 00440614
117 Ser­vices pro­vid­ed by Builder in rela­tion to pref­er­en­tial loca­tion, internal/external devel­op­ment etc 01.07.2010 00440616 00440617
118 Ser­vices of Air-con­di­tioned restau­rants hav­ing license to ser­vice alco­holic bev­er­ages in rela­tion to ser­vice of food or beverages. 1.5.2011 00441067 00441068
119 Ser­vices of pro­vid­ing of accom­mo­da­tion in hotels / inns/ cubs/ guest houses/ camp­site for a con­tin­u­ous peri­od of less than three months 1.5.2011 00441070 00441071

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