Special Examination for Members of Foreign Accounting Bodies with whom the ICAI had entered into MOU

Last Date: 2nd March, 2015

Can­di­dates are advised to care­ful­ly read, under­stand and fol­low the instruc­tions while fill­ing in the Form and retain a copy of the same for future ref­er­ence. Can­di­dates are also request­ed to go through the Announce­ment relat­ing to Spe­cial Exam­i­na­tions for can­di­dates under Mutu­al Recog­ni­tion Agree­ment (MRAs) / Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing (MoU) with For­eign Account­ing Bod­ies host­ed on the web­site of the ICAI at

(1) Dates of Exam­i­na­tion: 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th June, 2015

(2) Tim­ings of Exam­i­na­tion: 2.00 P.M. – 5.00 P.M. (IST) with read­ing time (for ques­tion paper) of 15 Minutes

(3) Fill­ing up of Admit Card: Can­di­dates are required to fill in the rel­e­vant columns in the Admit Card and sub­mit the same to the Exam­i­na­tions Depart­ment along­with the exam­i­na­tion form.

(4) Exam­i­na­tion Cen­tre Del­hi / New Del­hi (INDIA)

(5) Exam­i­na­tion Fees: The Exam­i­na­tion Fees paid by a Can­di­date shall not be refund­ed / adjust­ed under any cir­cum­stances. Can­di­date who are apply­ing for the sec­ond time and onward are required to remit the Exam­i­na­tion Fees again.

(6) Last date for receipt of appli­ca­tion at the Institute’s Head­quar­ters at New Del­hi 2nd March, 2015

(Appli­ca­tion received after 2nd March, 2015 will not be enter­tained under any cir­cum­stances. There­fore, can­di­dates send­ing their appli­ca­tion by post must send the same at least 3–4 days in advance of the last date and avoid send­ing it on the last date for receipt of appli­ca­tion forms).

(7) How the appli­ca­tion form should reach the Institute?

The appli­ca­tion form be sent by Speed Post / Reg­is­tered Post only in the spe­cial enve­lope attached to the Exam­i­na­tion Form to the Deputy Sec­re­tary (Exams.), The Insti­tute of Char­tered Accountants

of India, “ICAI Bhawan”, Indraprastha Marg, New Del­hi – 110 002.

 Can­di­dates are advised to retain the receipt issued by Post Office till the receipt of Admit Card.

Can­di­dates are advised not to send the appli­ca­tion through pri­vate courier.

 Can­di­dates should not submit/send the appli­ca­tion form to regional/branch offices of the Institute.

Admis­sion to the Spe­cial Exam­i­na­tion for Mem­bers of For­eign Account­ing Bod­ies with whom the ICAI had entered into Mutu­al Recog­ni­tion Agree­ment (MRA) / Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing (MoU) No can­di­date shall be admit­ted to the Spe­cial Exam­i­na­tion for Mem­bers of For­eign Account­ing Bod­ies with whom the ICAI had entered into MRA / MOU unless he/she has been reg­is­tered with the ICAI and has been issued the reg­is­tra­tion letter.

(9) Sub­jects to be cleared by Mem­bers of For­eign Account­ing Bod­ies with whom the ICAI had entered into Mutu­al Recog­ni­tion Agree­ment (MRA) / Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing (MoU)

(a) ICAEW Mem­bers are required to pass the fol­low­ing subjects:

(i) Audit­ing and Assurance

(ii) Law, Ethics and Communication

(iii) Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy and Strate­gic Management

(iv) Tax­a­tion


(b) ICA Aus­tralia Mem­bers are required to pass the fol­low­ing papers:

(i) Indi­an Law, Tax­a­tion and Ethics


© CPA Aus­tralia Mem­bers are required to pass the fol­low­ing subjects:

(i) Cor­po­rate & Allied Laws

(ii) Tax­a­tion

(iii) Advanced Audit­ing and Pro­fes­sion­al Ethics*

(iv) Finan­cial Reporting**

* Not applic­a­ble if they had stud­ied Assur­ance Ser­vices & Audit­ing in CPA Program.

**Not applic­a­ble if they had stud­ied Finan­cial Report­ing & Dis­clo­sure in CPA Program.

(d) CPA Ire­land Mem­bers are required to pass the fol­low­ing subjects:

(i) Cor­po­rate and Allied Laws

(ii) Direct and Indi­rect Taxes

(iii) Strate­gic Finan­cial Management*

(iv) Advanced Audit­ing & Pro­fes­sion­al Ethics**

*Not applic­a­ble if they had stud­ied Strate­gic Cor­po­rate Finance as an elec­tive in CPA examinations.

**Not applic­a­ble if they had stud­ied Audit Prac­tice & Assur­ance Ser­vices in CPA examinations.

(e) Cana­di­an ICA Mem­bers are required to pass the fol­low­ing papers:

(i) Cor­po­rate and Allied Laws

(ii) Tax­a­tion

(10) Issue of Admit Card (a) A list of Can­di­dates to whom the Admit Cards are issued for the Spe­cial Exam­i­na­tion for Mem­bers of For­eign Account­ing Bod­ies with whom the ICAI had entered into MRA / MoU will be host­ed on the Institute’s web­site on 11th March, 2015 (Ten­ta­tive). All cor­re­spon­dences in the above mat­ter should be addressed to the Deputy Sec­re­tary (Exams.) of the Insti­tute at New Del­hi quot­ing the fol­low­ing for prompt action.

* MRA/MOU Can­di­dates Regn. No.

*Appli­ca­tion Form No.

*Receipt No. Issued (if any)

*Tele­phone No.

*Fax No.

* E‑Mail id

(b) In case of any dif­fi­cul­ty, Deputy Sec­re­tary (Exams.), may be con­tact­ed at ICAI, C‑1, Sec­tor — 1, Noi­da, Phone: 0120–3054829, 3054822.

(11) Record of ques­tion paper­cum- answer book ten­dered at the Exam­i­na­tion Centre

 The Can­di­dates should sur­ren­der their answer book­let before they leave the exam­i­na­tion hall.

 The Super­in­ten­dents of Exam­i­na­tion Cen­tre is being advised to issue receipt for the answer books hand­ed over through the Invig­i­la­tor in the Admit Card.

 Can­di­dates are, there­fore, advised to secure the sig­na­ture of the Invig­i­la­tor con­cerned while sub­mit­ting their answer book and retain the Admit Card with them­selves as record of receipt, at least till the dec­la­ra­tion of result.

(12) Require­ment for pass­ing Spe­cial Exam­i­na­tion for Mem­bers of For­eign Account­ing Bod­ies with whom the ICAI had entered into Mutu­al Recog­ni­tion Agree­ment (MRA) / Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing (MoU)

 A can­di­date for the Spe­cial Exam­i­na­tion for Mem­bers of For­eign Account­ing Bod­ies with whom the ICAI had entered into MRA / MoU shall be declared ordi­nar­i­ly to have passed the exam­i­na­tion if he/she obtains at one sit­ting a min­i­mum of 40% marks in indi­vid­ual paper and a min­i­mum of 50% marks in aggre­gate of all papers required to appear and pass in order to qual­i­fy the Spe­cial Examination.

(13) Issue of State­ment of Marks and Pass Cer­tifi­cate of Spe­cial Exam­i­na­tion for Mem­bers of For­eign Account­ing Bod­ies with whom the ICAI had entered into Mutu­al Recog­ni­tion Agree­ment (MRA) / Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing (MoU) State­ment of Marks will be issued to all the can­di­dates in Spe­cial Exam­i­na­tion for Mem­bers of For­eign Account­ing Bod­ies with whom the ICAI had entered into MRA / MoU nor­mal­ly in two weeks from the date of dec­la­ra­tion of result, while pass cer­tifi­cate to the can­di­dates declared passed will be issued subsequently.

(14) Check-list to ensure cor­rect­ness of enclo­sures to the Appli­ca­tion Can­di­dates are request­ed to ensure that the Appli­ca­tion is filled in cor­rect­ly giv­ing all the required details and the fol­low­ing enclo­sures are annexed  securely.

 Appli­ca­tion Form ______

 Admit Card with self attest­ed pho­to ______

 Self-addressed pre-stamped Enve­lope for send­ing _______Admit Card.

 Self-addressed pre-stamped enve­lope for send­ing ______ state­ment of marks.

 Address Slip _______

 Copy of the mem­ber­ship Certificate/Identity Card etc._______

Before send­ing the appli­ca­tion, can­di­dates are request­ed to arrange seri­al­ly the pages of appli­ca­tion keep­ing the demand draft, admit card and envelopes (in that order) on the Top of the Bunch.

(15) Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of answer book After dec­la­ra­tion of result, a can­di­date may, in his / her own hand­writ­ing, if he / she so desires, apply for ver­i­fi­ca­tion of his / her answer book with­in one month from the date of dec­la­ra­tion of result. The ver­i­fi­ca­tion fee is ‘ 500/- per subject.


  1. a) Appli­ca­tion should be com­plete in all respects; oth­er­wise it is liable to be rejected.
  2. b) In the event of fur­nish­ing any incor­rect infor­ma­tion / mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion, the admis­sion shall become invalid.
  3. c) No cor­re­spon­dence in this regard shall be entertained.

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