Supreme Court has constituted a bench to deal exclusively with Income Tax matters
A bench has been constituted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court to deal exclusively with Tax matters on all working days which will be functional w.e.f. from 9th March, 2015. This will necessarily entail briefing the counsels for the Department as well as meeting the requirements of the court on real time basis. The Member (A&J) has desired that all the Principal Chief Commissioner/Chief Commissioner/Pr. Commissioner/Commissioner(s) may check the website of the Supreme Court on daily basis, which generally displays advance cause list for next 10 days, and keep themselves prepared for cases in their jurisdiction for any briefing/service of notice/information as may be required by the Counsels or the Supreme Court at very short notice. In case of any officer proceeding on leave etc., their successor in office must be kept duly informed of such cases listed during the period of their absence.
2. All requests from DGIT (L&R) in this regard, in respect of listed cases or other cases which may be fixed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court at short notice, should be attended to on priority basis, Shri K.K. Mishra, Addl. DIT (L&R), New Delhi, Phone No. 011–23378627 Mobile No. 9212721578 has been designated as Nodal Officer in the Directorate of Legat & Research to deal with all such cases and may be contacted for any clarifications or information.
LETTER [F.NO.279/MISC./45/2015-SO (ITJ)]