SUSPENSION OF E‑SERVICES IN wbcomtax.gov.in FROM 02/02/2015 TO 08/02/2015

URGENT NOTICE: Due to some very urgent serv­er and data­base relat­ed work, the e‑services pro­vid­ed by the Direc­torate through www.wbcomtax.gov.in shall remain sus­pend­ed from 02.02.2015 till 08.02.2015. The serv­er will become oper­a­tional on and from 09.02.2015. The inter­nal ser­vices pro­vid­ed through IMPACT shall also remain sus­pend­ed from 05.02.2015 till 08.02.2015. How­ev­er, dur­ing this peri­od of sus­pen­sion, e‑payments can be made using GRIPS link pro­vid­ed in the web­site. All oth­er e‑Services shall remain sus­pend­ed for the above peri­od. The home page of the web­site may be fol­lowed for fur­ther instruc­tions. The fol­low­ing emer­gency process changes are being made for the above peri­od as an alter­na­tive arrangement:-

WAYBILL: Assess­ing Offi­cers would issue man­u­al way­bill to deal­ers, both reg­is­tered and unreg­is­tered, on phys­i­cal application;

TRANSIT DECLARATION: Self OFFLINE dec­la­ra­tion exact­ly in the e‑TD for­mat along with copies of invoic­es, con­sign­ment notes are required to be sub­mit­ted by the per­son car­ry­ing goods through West Ben­gal phys­i­cal­ly both at the entry as well as the exit Check Post (or near­est Range Office where Check Post is not avail­able), for future cross-verification;

MANIFEST UPLOADING BY COURIERS: Blank JAR file (as avail­able now in web­site) to be down­loaded and saved before hand in advance and signed print out of the filled JAR to be sub­mit­ted at the entry Check Post each time the Couri­er enters with such goods. All con­cerned are request­ed to take urgent nec­es­sary mea­sures to ensure the above.

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