Income Tax

TDS Rate Chart for Company for Financial Year 2018–19 (AY 2019–20)

TDS Rate Chart for Com­pa­ny for Finan­cial year 2018–19 (AY 2018–19)

In the case of a com­pa­ny-  
where the com­pa­ny is a domes­tic com­pa­ny-  
Sec­tion 193: Inter­est on securities   
a) any deben­tures or secu­ri­ties for mon­ey issued by or on behalf of any local author­i­ty or a cor­po­ra­tion estab­lished by a Cen­tral, State or Provin­cial Act;  10 
b) any deben­tures issued by a com­pa­ny where such deben­tures are list­ed on a recog­nised stock exchange in accor­dance with the Secu­ri­ties Con­tracts (Reg­u­la­tion) Act, 1956 (42 of 1956) and any rules made thereunder;  10 
c) any secu­ri­ty of the Cen­tral or State Gov­ern­ment; [i.e. 8% Sav­ing (Tax­able) Bonds, 2003 and 7.75% Sav­ing (Tax­able) Bonds, 2018]  10 
d) inter­est on any oth­er security  10 
Sec­tion 194: Dividend  10 
Sec­tion 194AIncome by way of inter­est oth­er than “Inter­est on securities”  10 
Sec­tion 194B: Income by way of win­nings from lot­ter­ies, cross­word puz­zles, card games and oth­er games of any sort  30 
Sec­tion 194BB: Income by way of win­nings from horse races  30 
Sec­tion 194C: Pay­ment to con­trac­tor/­sub-con­trac­tor
a) HUF/Individuals
b) Others 
Sec­tion 194D: Insur­ance commission  10 
Sec­tion 194DA: Pay­ment in respect of life insur­ance policy 
Sec­tion 194EE: Pay­ment in respect of deposit under Nation­al Sav­ings scheme  10 
Sec­tion 194F: Pay­ment on account of repur­chase of unit by Mutu­al Fund or Unit Trust of India  20 
Sec­tion 194G: Com­mis­sion, etc., on sale of lot­tery tickets 
Sec­tion 194H: Com­mis­sion or brokerage 
Sec­tion 194‑I: Rent 
a) Plant & Machinery 
b) Land or build­ing or fur­ni­ture or fitting  10 
Sec­tion 194-IA:Pay­ment on trans­fer of cer­tain immov­able prop­er­ty oth­er than agri­cul­tur­al land 
Sec­tion 194-IC:Pay­ment of mon­e­tary con­sid­er­a­tion under Joint Devel­op­ment Agreements  10 
Sec­tion 194JAny sum paid by way of a)  Fee for pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices, b)  Fee for tech­ni­cal ser­vices c)  Roy­al­ty, d)  Remuneration/fee/commission to a direc­tor or e)  For not car­ry­ing out any activ­i­ty in rela­tion to any busi­ness f)  For not shar­ing any know-how, patent, copy­right etc. Note: With effect from June 1, 2017 the rate of TDS would be 2% in case of pay­ee engaged in busi­ness of oper­a­tion of call center.  10 
Sec­tion 194LAPay­ment of com­pen­sa­tion on acqui­si­tion of cer­tain immov­able prop­er­ty Note: With effect from April 1, 2017, no deduc­tion of tax shall be made on any pay­ment which is exempt from levy of income-tax under Right to Fair Com­pen­sa­tion Act, 2013.  10 
Sec­tion 194LBA(1): Busi­ness trust shall deduct tax while dis­trib­ut­ing, any inter­est received or receiv­able by it from a SPV or any income received from rent­ing or leas­ing or let­ting out any real estate asset owned direct­ly by it, to its unit holders.  10 
Sec­tion 194LBB: Invest­ment fund pay­ing an income to a unit hold­er [oth­er than income which is exempt under Sec­tion 10(23FBB)] . 10 
Sec­tion 194LBC: Income in respect of invest­ment made in a secu­ri­ti­sa­tion trust (spec­i­fied in Expla­na­tion of section115TCA) 10 
Any Oth­er Income  10 

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