Income Tax


Trans­port Allowance for indi­vid­ual salaried employ­ees has been dou­bled to Rs 1,600 per month from the exist­ing Rs 800 per month. The total year­ly ben­e­fit will amount to Rs 19,200 as opposed to Rs 9,600 at present.

Indus­try watch­ers had expect­ed the lim­it to be enhanced to any­where between Rs 3,000 and Rs 4,000 per month. The hike in the lim­it is espe­cial­ly dis­ap­point­ing con­sid­er­ing that the present exemp­tion lim­it was arrived at more than a decade ago.

It’s a begin­ning and a step in the right direc­tion, although he (the finance min­is­ter) could have done a lot more,” said Homi Mis­try, part­ner, Deloitte Hask­ins & Sells.

Trans­port allowance is grant­ed to an employ­ee to meet expen­di­ture on com­mut­ing between place of res­i­dence and place of duty. The amount paid under this head is exempt from taxation.

At present, an exemp­tion of Rs 1,600 per month is giv­en only for blind and hand­i­capped employees.

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