Verification of the GST Registration application and approval / Rule‑9 of CGST Rules 2017

Rule‑9 of CGST Rules 2017 

9. Ver­i­fi­ca­tion of the appli­ca­tion and approval.- 

(1) The appli­ca­tion shall be for­ward­ed to the prop­er offi­cer who shall exam­ine the appli­ca­tion and the accom­pa­ny­ing doc­u­ments and if the same are found to be in order, approve the grant of reg­is­tra­tion to the appli­cant with­in a peri­od of three work­ing days from the date of sub­mis­sion of the

  • Where the appli­ca­tion sub­mit­ted under rule 8 is found to be defi­cient, either in terms of any infor­ma­tion or any doc­u­ment required to be fur­nished under the said rule, or where the prop­er offi­cer requires any clar­i­fi­ca­tion with regard to any infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed in the appli­ca­tion or doc­u­ments fur­nished there­with, he may issue a notice to the appli­cant elec­tron­i­cal­ly in FORM GST REG-03 with­in a peri­od of three work­ing days from the date of sub­mis­sion of the appli­ca­tion and the appli­cant shall fur­nish such clar­i­fi­ca­tion, infor­ma­tion or doc­u­ments elec­tron­i­cal­ly, in FORM GST REG-04, with­in a peri­od of sev­en work­ing days from the date of the receipt of such

Expla­na­tion.- For the pur­pos­es of this sub-rule, the expres­sion “clar­i­fi­ca­tion” includes mod­i­fi­ca­tion or cor­rec­tion of par­tic­u­lars declared in the appli­ca­tion for reg­is­tra­tion, oth­er than Per­ma­nent Account Num­ber, State, mobile num­ber and e‑mail address declared in Part A of FORM GST REG-01.

  • Where the prop­er offi­cer is sat­is­fied with the clar­i­fi­ca­tion, infor­ma­tion or doc­u­ments fur­nished by the appli­cant, he may approve the grant of reg­is­tra­tion to the appli­cant with­in a peri­od of sev­en work­ing days from the date of the receipt of such clar­i­fi­ca­tion or infor­ma­tion or
  • Where no reply is fur­nished by the appli­cant in response to the notice issued under sub-rule (2) or where the prop­er offi­cer is not sat­is­fied with the clar­i­fi­ca­tion, infor­ma­tion or doc­u­ments fur­nished, he shall, for rea­sons to be record­ed in writ­ing, reject such appli­ca­tion and inform the appli­cant elec­tron­i­cal­ly in FORM GST REG-05.
  • If the prop­er offi­cer fails to take any action, — 
    • with­in a peri­od of three work­ing days from the date of sub­mis­sion of the appli­ca­tion; or
    • with­in a peri­od of sev­en work­ing days from the date of the receipt of the clar­i­fi­ca­tion, infor­ma­tion or doc­u­ments fur­nished by the appli­cant under sub-rule (2),

the appli­ca­tion for grant of reg­is­tra­tion shall be deemed to have been approved.

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