WB VAT portal is open for Sale Purchase mismatch correction for the year F/Y 2013–14

WB VAT por­tal is open for Sale Pur­chase mis­match cor­rec­tion for the year F/Y 2013–14. You can mod­i­fy your data for unlim­it­ed times upto 20-JUL-2015.

PLEASE READ TRADE CIRCULAR NO. 03/2014 dat­ed 18/02/2014 CAREFULLY BEFORE RECONCILIATION (The same pro­ce­dure is to be fol­lowed for 2012–13).

Sub: Pro­ce­dure to be fol­lowed for sub­mis­sion of data to the “Sale Pur­chase Mis­match Application”.

In con­cur­rence with the Trade Cir­cu­lar No 18/2012 dat­ed 30.11.2012, Trade Cir­cu­lar No 19 dat­ed 26-12-2012 and Trade Cir­cu­lar No: 03/2013 dat­ed 13/02/2013, the “Sale Pur­chase Mis­match Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion” Appli­ca­tion for account­ing year 2011-12 has been made avail­able in the offi­cial web­site of the Direc­torate. The deal­er should vis­it the Dealer’s Pro­file link under the “Check Your Sta­tus” link avail­able at home page and open the Deal­er Pro­file Page by using user id and password.

In the Deal­er Pro­file page, there is a link name­ly “Sale Pur­chase Mismatch(As per Sell­er’s Records [When you are Sell­er]) ” and “Sale Pur­chase Mismatch(As per Pur­chaser’s Records [When you are Pur­chas­er]) ”. When clicked, respec­tive online rec­on­cil­i­a­tion State­ment will open.

Data cor­re­spond­ing to col­umn num­bers (1) to (8) are auto pop­u­lat­ed on mis­match analy­sis from annex­ures to returns filed by deal­ers. Deal­ers must feed data in col. No. 10, 11 and 13 and also in col. No 9 and 12 when­ev­er applic­a­ble. Here only those mis­match cas­es are avail­able where the sell­er has shown less amount of sales dur­ing the year (as shown by him in Annex­ure B Part II of all returns in the year) com­pared to cor­re­spond­ing pur­chas­es claimed by the pur­chasers (in their Annex­ure B Part I of all returns of in the year) for the year and where the aggre­gate tax on sales is less than aggre­gate ITC claimed.

It is to be not­ed that for rec­on­cil­i­a­tion of the mis­match­es, if a sell­ing deal­er detects that any sale has not been incor­po­rat­ed in his ear­li­er sub­mit­ted return(s), or if a pur­chas­ing deal­er detects that he has availed ITC more than admis­si­ble he should pay the due tax with inter­est before sub­mit­ting the mis­match rec­on­cil­i­a­tion state­ment and show the addi­tion­al tax with inter­est paid in col­umn 12. If any pay­ment is shown in Col 12 of the State­ment, details of such pay­ment must be shown in the table pro­vid­ed below the online State­ment. Such tax should not be adjust­ed against any excess ITC that has already been car­ried for­ward to the next year.

In case any pur­chas­er con­firms his pur­chase he should show the details of cheques with bank name [in short] in the popped up field.

A deal­er can sub­mit rec­on­cil­i­a­tion data in part and save by sub­mit­ting it, lat­er he can add or edit any data and sub­mit till the last date of sub­mis­sion and take print out of acknowl­edge­ment after each sub­mis­sion. After expiry of sub­mis­sion peri­od, no data can be added, sub­mit­ted or edited.

The deal­ers whose RCs have been can­celled and can­not now access online Dealer’s Pro­file shall sub­mit the mis­match state­ment man­u­al­ly (along with a soft copy there­of) or through email in the for­mat giv­en in this Cir­cu­lar, to their respec­tive assess­ing authorities.

We would urge upon the sell­ing deal­ers to file their accep­tance or denials in the mis­match mod­ule as soon as pos­si­ble. Non response from the sell­ing deal­ers would lead to pre­sump­tion of sup­pres­sion of sale by the sell­ing dealer.

The appli­ca­tion for online mis­match rec­on­cil­i­a­tion State­ment shall remain avail­able till 31-03-2014.

For­mat for sub­mis­sion of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion State­ment from Purchaser’s end:


For­mat for sub­mis­sion of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion State­ment from Seller’s end:


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