Inputs to be Claimed while filing GSTR-3B whether as per GSTR-2A or GSTR-2B
It’s a very common question while filing GSTR-3B, which Inputs to be considered whether as per GSTR-2A which stood as on the date of filing GSTR-3B or as per the Inputs available in GSTR-2B for the respective Month.
Some people are claiming Inputs as per GSTR-2A which stood as on the date of filing GSTR-3B and some are claiming as per GSTR-2B as GST Portal is marking it as in Red if we claim Input more than 105% of Input available in 2B.
Its nowhere in the GST Act or Rules clearly written that which input is validly claimable. Further its nowhere mentioned that what to follow GSTR-2A or GSTR-2B for claiming Inputs while filing GSTR-3B. Now Rule 36(4) (which was introduced by Notification No-49/2019 dated 09.10.2019) updated up to Notification No- 94/2020 dated 22nd December, 2020 states that-
“Rule 36(4) Input tax credit to be availed by a registered person in respect of invoices or debit notes, the details of which have not been furnished by the suppliers under sub-section (1) of section 37 in FORM GSTR‑1 or using the invoice furnishing facility, shall not exceed 5 per cent. of the eligible credit available in respect of invoices or debit notes the details of which have been furnished by the suppliers under sub-section (1) of section 37 in Form GSTR‑1 or using the invoice furnishing facility.”
Bare reading of Rule do not clarify the above confusion and one can conclude that claiming Inputs as per GSTR-2A which stood as on the date of filing GSTR-3B is correct.
CBIC in its Circular No- 123/42/2019 dated 11.11.2019 clarified that:
“Issue: FORM GSTR-2A being a dynamic document, what would be the amount of input tax credit that is admissible to the taxpayers for a particular tax period in respect of invoices / debit notes whose details have not been uploaded by the suppliers?
Clarification: The amount of input tax credit in respect of the invoices / debit notes whose details have not been uploaded by the suppliers shall not exceed 20% of the eligible input tax credit available to the recipient in respect of invoices or debit notes the details of which have been uploaded by the suppliers under sub- section (1) of section 37 as on the due date of filing of the returns in FORM GSTR‑1 of the suppliers for the said tax period. The taxpayer may have to ascertain the same from his auto populated FORM GSTR 2A as available on the due date of filing of FORM GSTR‑1 under sub-section (1) of section 37.”
The Circular states that Input can be claimed in GSTR-3B of a particular month which is available in GSTR-2A upto the due date of filing GSTR‑1 of that particular month. GSTIN has enabled GSTR-2B to show inputs available upto the due date of filing GSTR‑1 of that particular month including the inputs which were not uploaded in earlier months.
So, it can be concluded that Input can be claimed upto 105% of the inputs available in GSTR-2B. However one has to take caution while claiming inputs as per GSTR-2B that whether the inputs available in GSTR-2B is earlier considered in 5% of excess inputs we claimed in earlier months as GSTR-2B shows inputs of earlier months too which were uploaded later during the specified period.
Now if we take an Example it will clear the scenario more clearly:
Mr. P has Eligible Input of Rs. 1,00,000 for the Month of December 2020 and unclaimed Input till December 2020 of Rs. 25,000, Total Eligible Input of Rs. 1,25,000/-
Particulars | Amount(Rs.) |
Input available as per GSTR-2B | 1,00,000 (out of Which Rs. 20,000 pertains to earlier months) |
Input available as per GSTR-2A as on the date of filing GSTR-3B | Rs. 1,20,000/- (out of Which Rs. 25,000 pertains to earlier months) |
Eligible Inputs can be claimed in GSTR-3B | Rs. 1,05,000/- (i.e., Rs. 1,00,000 as per GSTR-2B + 5% of Eligible Inputs which are not uploaded in its GSTR‑1 by the Counter party.) |