Whether Late Fees is applicable where GSTR-3B has not been filed only GSTR‑1,2 & 3 has been filed
There Could be Two Situations that GSTR-3B has been Filed but Tax has not been paid before Due Date & GSTR-3B is not filed at all. Hereinafter we have discussed both the Situations.
Where GSTR-3B has been Filed
Where, for some reasons, the registered person has only submitted the return in FORM GSTR-3B and has not made the payment of taxes by debiting the same from his electronic cash or credit ledger, the return shall still be subjected to the reconciliation process as detailed Such registered person should furnish the details in FORM GSTR- 1, FORM GSTR‑2 and sign and submit the return in FORM GSTR‑3 along with the payment of the due taxes as per the provisions of section 49 of the Act. However, since the payment was not made on or before the due date, the registered person shall be liable for payment of interest on delayed payment of tax from Due date of Payment till the date of date of debit in the electronic cash and / or credit ledger but will not be liable to pay any late fee provided the requisite return in FORM GSTR-3B was submitted on or before the due date.
Where GSTR-3B has Not been Filed
Where the registered person has not submitted the return in FORM GSTR-3B, he is required to furnish the details in FORM GSTR‑1 and FORM GSTR‑2 and sign and submit the return in FORM GSTR‑3 along with the payment of the due taxes as per the provisions of section 49 of the Act. However, since the payment was not made on or before the due date, the registered person shall be liable for payment of interest on delayed payment of tax starting from due date of Payment (I.e., Due date for Filing GSTR-3B) till the date of debit in the electronic cash and / or credit ledger. No late fee, however, would be levied for late filing of return in terms of section 47 of the Act, in accordance with the recommendation of the GST Council, as notified vide Notification No. 28/2017-Central tax dated 01.09.2017.