Withdrawal date of Currency Notes Issued prior to 2005 has been extended

On a review of the mat­ter, it has been decid­ed to extend the date for exchang­ing the pre-2005 ban­knotes to June 30, 2015. Withdrawal of CurrencyThese instruc­tions have been includ­ed in a Press Release dat­ed Decem­ber 23, 2014.

You are advised to facil­i­tate the exchange of such notes for full val­ue with­out caus­ing any incon­ve­nience to the pub­lic, what­so­ev­er. These notes will retain their legal ten­der sta­tus and the pub­lic can con­tin­ue to use these for any transaction/ payment.

Suit­able instruc­tions may be issued to all your branch­es to pro­vide exchange facil­i­ties to mem­bers of pub­lic and to stop re-issue of the pre- 2005 series ban­knotes. In this regard, you may please refer to the list of dos and don’ts enclosed with our above-men­tioned cir­cu­lar dat­ed March 03, 2014. Please also ensure that such notes are not dis­pensed through the ATMs/ over your coun­ters. The method­ol­o­gy to be fol­lowed for deal­ing with the Pre-2005 series ban­knotes con­tained in Para 3 of our cir­cu­lar DCM (Plg) No. G‑17/3231/10.27.00/2013–14 dat­ed Jan­u­ary 23, 2014 remains unchanged.

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