Appointment of CA Firm as Internal auditor in IIFCL

Notice for Invi­ta­tion of Finan­cial Bids dat­ed 19th Feb­ru­ary 2015’ for appoint­ment as Inter­nal Audi­tor of IIFCL for the Finan­cial Year 2015–16.

India Infra­struc­ture Finance Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed (IIFCL), a Com­pa­ny whol­ly owned by the Govt. of India, invites Finan­cial Bids from eli­gi­ble Char­tered Accoun­tant firms ful­fill­ing the cri­te­ria for appoint­ment as Inter­nal Audi­tor of IIFCL for the Finan­cial Year 2015–16.

Eli­gi­ble Char­tered Accoun­tant firms are required to sub­mit one hard copy of Finan­cial Bid for appoint­ment as Inter­nal Audi­tor of IIFCL for the Finan­cial Year 2015–16, as per For­mat of Finan­cial Quote (Annex­ure B), with this notice in sealed envelope.

Along­with Finan­cial Bid, eli­gi­ble Char­tered Accoun­tant firms shall also sub­mit lat­est Firm Con­sti­tu­tion Cer­tifi­cate issued by Insti­tute of Char­tered Accoun­tants of India (ICAI) cer­ti­fy­ing that they ful­fill eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria men­tioned in For­mat of Financial
Quote (Annex­ure B).

The Finan­cial Bids com­plete in all respects should reach on or before 18th March, 2015 by 5.00 p.m. at above­men­tioned address. IIFCL will not con­sid­er Finan­cial Bids received after due date.

IIFCL shall open all Finan­cial Bids on 20th March 2015 at 11.00 a.m. at its reg­is­tered office.

Down­load the Ten­der document

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