Category: Budget

Download Full Budget of West Bengal

Bud­get of West Ben­gal state pre­sent­ed  on 27th Feb­ru­ary, 2015 by Dr. Amit Mitra Finance Min­is­ter In-Charge West Ben­gal. Down­load The Full Bud­get State­ment from the Link Below. Down­load the Bud­get State­ment West Ben­gal Share on: whatsapp

VAT Audit relief to MSME Under WB VAT

Dr. Amit Mitra Finance Min­is­ter In-Charge West Ben­gal Said in his Bud­get speech that  audit report by a char­tered accoun­tant has to be com­pul­so­ri­ly filed by the deal­ers. We had ear­li­er pro­vid­ed relief to small deal­ers by grad­u­al­ly increas­ing the…

Union Budget 2015 — Changes in Service Tax

The Finance Min­is­ter has, while pre­sent­ing the Union Bud­get 2015–16, intro­duced the Finance Bill in the Lok Sab­ha on the 28th of Feb­ru­ary, 2015. Claus­es 105 to 116 of the Bill cov­er the amend­ments made to Chap­ter V of the…