Category: DGFT

Export of Military Stores ‑Foreign Trade Policy

Noti­fi­ca­tion No 115 (RE — 2013)/2009–2014 New Del­hi, Dat­ed: 13 March, 2015 S.O.(E)  — In exer­cise of the pow­ers con­ferred by Sec­tion 5 of the For­eign Trade (Devel­op­ment & Reg­u­la­tion) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) read with Para 1.3 of…

Documents required for Export and Import

Noti­fi­ca­tion No. 114 (RE-2013)/2009–2014 New Del­hi, the 12th March, 2015 In exer­cise of the pow­er con­ferred by Sec­tion 5 of the For­eign Trade (Devel­op­ment and Reg­u­la­tion) Act, 1992 read with Para 2.1 of the For­eign Trade Pol­i­cy, 2009–2014, the Central…

Removal of Minimum Export Price (MEP) on export of Potato

Noti­fi­ca­tion No. 112 (RE-2013)/2009–2014 New Del­hi, the 20 Feb­ru­ary, 2015 Sub­ject: Removal of Min­i­mum Export Price (MEP) on export of Pota­to. S.O.(E) — In exer­cise of the pow­ers con­ferred by Sec­tion 5 of the For­eign Trade (Devel­op­ment & Reg­u­la­tion) Act, 1992…