Category: GST

Proposed System of GST & Its features

Pro­posed GST Tax Struc­ture: There will be Three Type of GST: viz, Cen­tral Goods & Ser­vice Tax (CGST), State Goods & Ser­vice Tax (SGST) & Inte­grat­ed Goods & Ser­vice Tax (IGST) Intra-state Tax­able Sup­ply: Excise & Ser­vice Tax will be…

Cabinet clears Constitutional Bill for GST

The Cab­i­net on Wednes­day cleared the GST Con­sti­tu­tion­al Amend­ment Bill for its tabling in the cur­rent ses­sion of Par­lia­ment, as it races against time to keep the April 2016 dead­line to ush­er in the near­ly all-encom­­pass­ing indi­rect tax that will…

Area-based excise sops to continue under GST

The adop­tion of the goods and ser­vices tax (GST) won’t lead to untime­ly with­draw­al of the excise waivers for indus­tries in Jam­mu and Kash­mir, North­east­ern states, Uttarak­hand and Himachal Pradesh. These sops would con­tin­ue in some form or the oth­er under…

GST may include all entry taxes

In a move the Cen­ter is going to pro­pose sub­sum­ing in the pro­posed goods & ser­vices tax (GST) all types of entry tax, includ­ing the one for local bod­ies. The Bill also seeks to sub­sume petro­le­um prod­ucts in GST but keep alcohol…