Service Tax

Due Date for filing ST‑3 extended to 14th November, 2014 due to natural calamities

CBEC vide Order No. 02/2014-ST dat­ed 24th Octo­ber, 2014 has extend­ed the due date of fil­ing Ser­vice Tax Return, for the peri­od April 2014 to Sep­tem­ber 2014, from 25th Octo­ber 2014 to 14th Novem­ber 2014 due to nat­ur­al calami­ties in cer­tain part of the country.

New Del­hi, the 24th Octo­ber, 2014


 In exer­cise of the pow­ers con­ferred by sub-rule (4) of rule 7 of the Ser­vice Tax Rules, 1994, the Cen­tral Board of Excise & Cus­toms here­by extends the date of sub­mis­sion of the Form ST‑3 for the peri­od from 1st April 2014 to 30th Sep­tem­ber 2014, from 25th Octo­ber, 2014 to 14th Novem­ber, 2014.

The cir­cum­stances of a spe­cial nature, which have giv­en rise to this exten­sion of time, are as follows:

Nat­ur­al calami­ties in cer­tain parts of the country.”

 Himani Bhayana

Under Sec­re­tary (Ser­vice Tax)

Cen­tral Board of Excise and Customs

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