GST Rules

Form GST PMT –06 (Challan for deposit of goods and services tax)

Form GST PMT –06

[See rule 87(2)]

Challan for deposit of goods and services tax


CPIN «Auto Gen­er­at­ed after sub­mis­sion of information» Date  «Cur­rent date» Chal­lan Expiry Date –


Details of Deposit                              (All Amount in Rs.)
Gov­ern­ment Major Head Minor Head





Gov­ern­ment of India

Tax Inter­est Penal­ty Fee Oth­ers Total
Cen­tral Tax


Inte­grat­ed Tax


CESS (—-)
State (Name) State Tax (—-)
UT (Name) UT Tax


Total Chal­lan Amount
Total Amount in words



o e‑Payment

(This will include all modes of e‑payment such as CC/DC and net bank­ing. Tax­pay­er will choose one of this)

o Over the Counter (OTC)
Bank (Where cash or instru­ment is pro­posed to be deposited)
Details of Instrument
o Cash o Cheque o Demand Draft
Remit­ting bank
Ben­e­fi­cia­ry name GST
Ben­e­fi­cia­ry Account Num­ber (CPIN) <CPIN>
Name of ben­e­fi­cia­ry bank Reserve Bank f India
Ben­e­fi­cia­ry Bank’s Indi­an Finan­cial Sys­tem Code (IFSC) IFSC of RBI

Note:  Charges to be sep­a­rate­ly paid by the per­son mak­ing payment.

Par­tic­u­lars of depositor
Designation/ Sta­tus (Man­ag­er, part­ner etc.)
Paid Chal­lan Information



Tax­pay­er Name
Name of Bank
Bank Ref­er­ence No. (BRN)/UTR
Pay­ment Date
Bank Ack. No. (For Cheque / DD deposit­ed at Bank’s counter)


Note — UTR stands for Unique Trans­ac­tion Num­ber for NeFT / RTGS payment.

Down­load Form GST PMT –06 in Word Format

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