GST Rules

Form GSTR-5A (Details of supplies of online information and database access or retrieval services by a person located outside India made to non-taxable persons in India)

Form GSTR-5A

[See rule 64]



Details of supplies of online information and database access or retrieval services by a person located outside India made to non-taxable persons in India


  1. GSTIN of the supplier-


  1. (a) Legal name of the reg­is­tered person -

(b) Trade name, if any -


  1. Name of the Autho­rised rep­re­sen­ta­tive in India fil­ing the return –


  1. Peri­od: Month — Year -


  1. Tax­able out­ward sup­plies made to con­sumers in India


(Amount in Rupees)


Place of supply


Rate of tax Tax­able value Inte­grat­ed tax Cess
1 2 3 4 5


5A. Amend­ments to tax­able out­ward sup­plies to non-tax­able per­sons in India


(Amount in Rupees)


Month Place of supply


Rate of tax Tax­able value Inte­grat­ed tax Cess
1 2 3 4 5 6


  1. Cal­cu­la­tion of inter­est, penal­ty or any oth­er amount


Sr. No. Descrip­tion Amount of  tax due
Inte­grat­ed tax CESS
1 2 3 4
1. Inter­est
2. Oth­ers (Please specify)


  1. Tax, inter­est, late fee and any oth­er amount payable and paid


Sr. No. Descrip­tion Amount payable Deb­it entry no. Amount paid
Inte­grat­ed tax CESS Inte­grat­ed tax CESS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Tax Lia­bil­i­ty (based on Table 5 & 5A)
2. Inter­est (based on Table 6)
3. Oth­ers (Please Specify)



I here­by solemn­ly affirm and declare that the infor­ma­tion giv­en here­in above is true and cor­rect to the best of my knowl­edge and belief and noth­ing has been con­cealed therefrom.



Place                                                                            Name of Autho­rised Signatory


Des­ig­na­tion /Status

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