Green IT stands for Green Information Technology. Such Green IT involves the following steps towards making our day to day use of IT in environment friendly way:
- Minimize the Carbon Footprint of Computer. Carbon Footprint is a measure of an organization’s impact on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produce (carbon Di-oxide, Methane, Ozone etc.).
- Minimize the use of hardware in way of networking.
- Minimize the energy consumption of computer devices during their life cycle.
In a summarized way if we talked then Green IT have the covered mainly two things:
- Minimize the negative impact of Information technology use on the environment.
- Using Information Technology for solve the environmental issues.
IT contributed to e‑waste (like damage PC, electronic devices waste like our cell phones parts, other lead and chemicals which used for various devices, there waste etc.) and to Carbon Di-Oxide emissions. There are many reasons to go Green some are:
- Economic: Due to huge amount of Carbon footprint today’s many countries environment lost its natural production capability (like many Lands in the world has not so much fertilize to produce required food grains) to produce things which is a big economical issue of the countries who are depended on such products.
- Social and environmental: Landfill issues, huge amount of e‑waste, PC with 15”CRT Monitor contains over one kilogram of lead and chemicals including antimony, arsenic, boron, phosphor, nitric, hydrofluoric acid and uses huge amount of electricity.
- Technology: Data centres consumes 1.5% of electricity total produce in the world, a typical desktop computer uses 868 KW of electricity per year.
- Political: Legislative and regulatory, like regulatory compliance initiatives around the power consumption in some places.
How to implement Green IT:
In our individual level, it could be as simple as turning off our computer each night or when not in use. Outsourcing the data centres, cloud computing and using co-location facilities are additional ways in which companies realize energy saving and/or sustainability. Some of the way to go Green IT way has given in the following:
- Green IT organizations have developed in such way that they have the ability to implement solutions that address overall green IT goals.
- Green IT management strategies should be clear and simple like power reduction, regulatory compliance, decreased carbon footprint, operational cost saving, reduce e‑waste etc.
- Systems that are rarely used but draw power should be decomposed.
- Unused servers should be consolidated to save the servers.
- Virtualization allows multiple system implementations to be combined into a single power efficient server while at the same time allowing them to operate “independently” within separate virtual contains.
- Power management processes like allows automatic shutdown and power up processes not only for servers but also even personal computers makes energy saving in many ways.
- Cloud computing is another approach to gaining IT efficiencies.
- Digitization, automating business processes, purchasing energy- smart software and developing custom software solutions enable energy efficiencies in business.
- Modern power efficient systems could be used, use of thin clients to achieve energy efficiency could be there.
These are the some initiative which provides the way to implement the Green IT for the future of our environment. But the main thing we have to change our mentality towards the way we used the energy such changed mentality can produce better result to save our environment and made this world a good place to live in the universe.