Guidance for claiming credit in TRAN 1 in respect of registrations under earlier laws

It may be hap­pened that when Tax­pay­ers claim­ing Tran­si­tion­al Cred­it in respect of exist­ing registration(s) under ear­li­er law(s) of Cen­tral Excise, Ser­vice Tax and VAT , the tax pay­ers get the mes­sage of “Trans‑1 processed with error” when they save such details.

This hap­pens because the appli­ca­tion  val­i­dates the fur­nished reg­is­tra­tion num­ber under exist­ing laws in TRAN 1 with the reg­is­tra­tion num­ber men­tioned in the registration/ enroll­ment appli­ca­tion.

Hence, to claim tran­si­tion­al cred­it in respect of ear­li­er reg­is­tra­tions, one must first include them in his enrolment/registration details using the non-core amend­ment facil­i­ty and then file TRAN 1.


While fil­ing the appli­ca­tion of non-core reg­is­tra­tion amend­ment with applic­a­ble sig­na­ture fol­low­ing care must be taken

  • One should not use spe­cial char­ac­ters (-, /) while adding new Ser­vice Tax /Central Excise No./VAT/TIN on the Busi­ness Details Tab.
  • One should ensure that there is no Dupli­cate e‑mail/Phone used on promoter/partner or Autho­rized Sig­na­to­ry Tab.
  • One should see that the Ser­vice Account­ing Code (SAC) pro­vid­ed dur­ing migra­tion has been removed from the Mas­ter SAC List on Goods/Services Tab and new ser­vice codes are added.
  • One should ensure that the STD code is entered cor­rect­ly in the filed indi­cat­ed for it and not entered in the field for enter­ing the local Tele­phone on Promoter/Partner, Autho­rized sig­na­to­ry, Prin­ci­ple place of Busi­ness and Addi­tion­al place of busi­ness, if added.

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