
How Company Law Board is protecting the interest of depositors

When an NBFC fails to repay any deposit or part there­of in accor­dance with the terms and con­di­tions of such deposit, the Com­pa­ny Law Board (CLB) either on its own motion or on an appli­ca­tion from the depos­i­tor, directs by order the Non-Bank­ing Finan­cial Com­pa­ny to make repay­ment of such deposit or part there­of forth­with or with­in such time and sub­ject to such con­di­tions as may be spec­i­fied in the order. After mak­ing the pay­ment, the com­pa­ny will need to file the com­pli­ance with the local office of the Reserve Bank of India.

As explained above, the depos­i­tor can approach CLB by mail­ing an appli­ca­tion in pre­scribed form to the appro­pri­ate bench of the Com­pa­ny Law Board accord­ing to its ter­ri­to­r­i­al juris­dic­tion along with the pre­scribed fee.

The details of address­es and ter­ri­to­r­i­al juris­dic­tion of the bench offi­cers of CLB are as under:

S. No. Region Juris­dic­tion Tele­phone No. Fax No.
1. Com­pa­ny Law Board
Prin­ci­pal Bench
Paryavaran Bhawan
B‑Block, 3rd Floor
C.G.O. Complex
Lod­hi Road,
New Del­hi – 110 003
All States & Union Territories 011 – 24366126
011- 24363451
011 – 24366125
011 — 24366123
011 – 24366126
2. Com­pa­ny Law Board
New Del­hi Bench
Paryavaran Bhawan
B‑Block, 3rd Floor
C.G.O. Complex
Lod­hi Road,
New Del­hi – 110 003
States of Del­hi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jam­mu & Kash­mir, Pun­jab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaran­chal and Union Ter­ri­to­ries of Chandigarh. 011 – 24363671
011- 24363451
011 – 24366125
011 — 24366123
011 – 24366126
3. Com­pa­ny Law Board
Kolkata Bench
9 Old Post Office Street
6th Floor,
Kolkata – 700 001
States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Megha­laya, Naga­land, Oris­sa, Sikkim, Tripu­ra, West Ben­gal, Jhark­hand and Union Ter­ri­to­ries of Andaman and Nico­bar Island and Mizoram. 033 – 22486330 033 – 22621760
4. Com­pa­ny Law Board
Mum­bai Bench
N.T.C. House, 2nd Floor,
15 Narot­tam Morar­jee Marg,
Bal­lard Estate, Mum­bai – 400 038
States of Goa, Gujarat, Mad­hya Pradesh, Maha­rash­tra, Chhat­tis­garh and (Union Ter­ri­to­ries of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu) 022 – 22619636/
022 – 22611456
022 – 22619636
5. Com­pa­ny Law Board
Chen­nai Bench
Cor­po­rate Bhawan (UTI Building),
3rd Floor, No. 29 Raja­ji Salai,
Chen­nai – 600001.
States of Andhra Pradesh, Kar­nata­ka, Ker­ala, Tamil Nadu and Union Ter­ri­to­ries of Pondicher­ry and Lak­shad­weep Island. 044 – 25262793 044 – 25262794

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