Company Law

MCA asked for Registration of DSC of Directors with MCA

Com­pa­nies which do not have any of their Directors/Signatory details reg­is­tered in the MCA21 sys­tem and who are desirous of fil­ing DIR-3C Form are request­ed to get atleast one autho­rised sig­na­to­ry reg­is­tered by con­tact­ing the con­cerned Reg­is­trar of Com­pa­nies. Instruc­tions have already been issued to ROCs and RDs in this regard. Reg­is­tra­tion of DSC of direc­tors can be done by click­ing here. A Detailed Guide­line how to reg­is­ter your DSC with MCA is giv­en hereunder.

Click on the ‘Reg­is­ter DSC’ link avail­able on the MCA por­tal homepage.

  1. On the next screen, click on the ‘Direc­tor’link on the left hand pan­el and fill-up your DIN. Please ensure that the DIN is approved and typed correctly.
  2. Sys­tem shall ver­i­fy that the DIN is valid and approved. If the DIN is filled incor­rect­ly or DIN filled is not approved, sys­tem will throw an error mes­sage to that effect.
  3. Fill-up rest of the par­tic­u­lars and ensure that details filled are as per DIR‑3. If the appli­cant has filed DIR‑6, then fill the details as sub­mit­ted in DIR‑6 form.
  4. Click on the ‘Next’ The sys­tem would ver­i­fy the details.
  5. If the details filled do not match with DIR‑3/ DIR‑6, as the case may be, for the rea­son that you do not have your DIN appli­ca­tion details, you can get the details from the com­pa­ny in which you are a director.
  6. If the details are cor­rect, the sys­tem would prompt you to select the DSC.
  7. Click on the ‘Select Cer­tifi­cate’but­ton to browse and select the cer­tifi­cate. Please ensure that the select­ed DSC belongs to the appli­cant, whose par­tic­u­lars are being registered.
  8. Sys­tem shall val­i­date the DSC. If the select­ed DSC is already reg­is­tered against giv­en DIN, sys­tem will give an infor­ma­to­ry mes­sage. If a dif­fer­ent DSC is already reg­is­tered against the giv­en DIN, sys­tem will ask if the user wants to update his/ her DSC.
  9. Typethe dis­played sys­tem gen­er­at­ed text for ver­i­fi­ca­tion in the box provided.
  10. Click on ‘I agree’but­ton to agree to the dec­la­ra­tion that details fur­nished are correct.
  11. Click on the ‘Sub­mit’ but­ton to reg­is­ter your DSC.
  12. Acknowl­edge­ment mes­sage is dis­played to the user.
  13. User can take a print-out of the acknowledgement.
  14. The appli­cant can click on the ‘Reset’ func­tion to clear the data in the fields.

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