On-line facility for seeking change of Centre/Group/Medium for appearing in CA Examinations

It is found that some can­di­dates while fill­ing the exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion form (either online or phys­i­cal ) do not exer­cise rea­son­able care and com­mit errors and seek change of Centre/Group/Medium, on account of errors com­mit­ted by them in their exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion forms, after submission.

With a view to pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty to the can­di­dates to cor­rect such errors made by them while sub­mit­ting their exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion forms, it has been decid­ed to put in place an online facil­i­ty to view and cor­rect errors if any, com­mit­ted by them while sub­mit­ting the exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion form, in the fields of Centre/Group/Medium, (i.e. for seek­ing change of Centre/Group/Medium), with effect from May 2015 examinations.


Salient fea­tures of the facil­i­ty are as follows:

  1. Man­u­al appli­ca­tions seek­ing change of Centre/Group/Medium will not be entertained.
  2. The on-line win­dow for seek­ing change of Centre/Group/Medium will made avail­able at

  1. This online facil­i­ty will be avail­able to the can­di­dates who have sub­mit­ted their exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion forms online as well as to those who sub­mit­ted phys­i­cal exam­i­na­tion forms, i.e. OMR forms.
  2. This online facil­i­ty will be avail­able to the can­di­dates, in two sep­a­rate ses­sions. The first oppor­tu­ni­ty (called “Cor­rec­tion Win­dow”) will be free of cost and the sec­ond oppor­tu­ni­ty ( called “Cor­rec­tions with fee-Win­dow”) will be for a fee of Rs 1000/- .
  3. Can­di­dates will be able to check the sta­tus of their request for change of Centre/Group/Medium from the above-men­tioned website.


Details are as follows:

  1. Free on-line facil­i­ty for seek­ing change of Centre/Group/Medium:
  2. Details con­tained in the exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion forms ( Both online as well as phys­i­cal) sub­mit­ted by the can­di­dates will be host­ed on web­site, nor­mal­ly about one week after the last date for sub­mis­sion of exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion forms with late fee.
  1. This “Cor­rec­tion Win­dow” will be open for a week.
  1. A can­di­date while apply­ing for change of Centre/Group/Medium through the online facil­i­ty as men­tioned above, will be required to input the fol­low­ing details, as filled in by him, in his exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion form
  • Bar Code number/control num­ber print­ed on his exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion form;
  • PIN ( i.e. the four dig­it num­ber of his choice which he had filled in his exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion form); and
  • Reg­is­tra­tion Number


  1. Can­di­dates ( those who sub­mit­ted their exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion forms online as well those who sub­mit­ted phys­i­cal, i..e OMR exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion forms) will be per­mit­ted to cor­rect errors if any, includ­ing Centre/Group/Medium opt­ed, etc., in the data host­ed, when the “Cor­rec­tion Win­dow” is open.


  1. Can­di­dates will also be per­mit­ted to change the Group opt­ed, i.e., from sin­gle Group to both Groups and the Cen­tre opt­ed, i.e., from an Indi­an Cen­tre to Over­seas Cen­tre and pay the dif­fer­en­tial exam­i­na­tion fee online through the pay­ment gate­way, through the “Cor­rec­tion Window” .
  1. A change may include change of Centre/Group/Medium either joint­ly or severally.
  1. This facil­i­ty is avail­able free of cost.
  2. The can­di­date will be required to upload scanned copy of a handwritten/typed appli­ca­tion for change of Centre/Group/Medium duly signed by him.
  1. Upon sub­mis­sion of the request, the can­di­date will get a Suc­cess­ful Sub­mis­sion con­fir­ma­tion on the screen. It is made clear here that suc­cess­ful sub­mis­sion of request does not mean that the request has been approved.


  1. Admit cards will be issued to the can­di­dates who apply through this “Cor­rec­tion Win­dow”, after incor­po­rat­ing the changes sought.


  1. On-line facil­i­ty for seek­ing change of Centre/Group/Medium for a fee of Rs 1000/-
  1. Those who are desirous of seek­ing change of Centre/Group/Medium, after the clo­sure of

the “Cor­rec­tion Win­dow” will be per­mit­ted to apply for the same, online, through this win­dow. This win­dow will open from 12th April and 12th Octo­ber for CA Final and Inter­me­di­ate (IPC) exam­i­na­tions held in May and Novem­ber respec­tive­ly and on 25st May and 25th Novem­ber for Com­mon Pro­fi­cien­cy Test held in June and Decem­ber respectively.

  1. This “Cor­rec­tions with Fee-Win­dow” will close one week before the com­mence­ment of the rel­e­vant examination.
  1. The facil­i­ty will be avail­able for a fee of Rs 1000/- for either one or more changes request­ed. Fee for seek­ing one or more changes, i.e. change of Cen­tre cou­pled with change of Medi­um or Group as the case may be, will be Rs 1000/- only. i.e. if a can­di­date seeks Cen­ter and Medi­um change, he will still be required to pay Rs 1000/- only and not Rs 1000/- for each change sep­a­rate­ly. The fee will be required to be paid online, either through debit/credit card.
  1. Can­di­dates will also be per­mit­ted to change the Group opt­ed, i.e., from sin­gle Group to both Groups and the Cen­tre opt­ed, i.e., from an Indi­an Cen­tre to Over­seas Cen­tre and pay the dif­fer­en­tial exam­i­na­tion fee plus the fee of Rs 1000/-as men­tioned above, online, through the pay­ment gateway.


  1. Requests for change of Centre/Group/Medium received sub­se­quent to the clo­sure of the “Cor­rec­tions with Fee-Win­dow”, i.e., dur­ing the peri­od of 7 days imme­di­ate­ly pre­ced­ing the com­mence­ment of exam­i­na­tion, shall not be enter­tained under any circumstances.
  1. A can­di­date while apply­ing for change of Centre/Group/Medium through the online facil­i­ty as men­tioned above, will be required to input the fol­low­ing details:
  • Bar Code number/control num­ber print­ed on his exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion form;
  • PIN ( i.e. the four dig­it num­ber of his choice which he had filled in his exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion form); and
  • Roll Num­ber
  1. The can­di­date will be required to upload scanned copy of a handwritten/typed appli­ca­tion for change of Centre/Group/Medium duly signed by him.
  1. Appli­ca­tions for changes sought shall be per­mit­ted only once. Once a can­di­date sub­mits his option for a change, he can­not go back to his ear­li­er choice or seek anoth­er change.
  1. Upon sub­mis­sion of the request, the can­di­date will get a Suc­cess­ful Sub­mis­sion con­fir­ma­tion on the screen. It is made clear here that suc­cess­ful sub­mis­sion of request does not mean that the request has been approved. Upon approval of the request, details of the changes effect­ed will be host­ed on the same web­site and can­di­dates can check the same.
  2. The can­di­dates and the new cen­ters where they are shift­ed, as per the request of can­di­date, will be advised of the change by way of a letter.
  3. No fresh Admit Card will be issued to the can­di­dates. Can­di­dates will be required to appear in the exam­i­na­tion, with the Admit Card already issued/downloaded from web­site and a copy of the approval let­ter sent to them or print­ed from the website.

III. Norms gov­ern­ing the change of Centre/Group/Medium, through the “Cor­rec­tions with Fee-Window”


  1. Change of Cen­tre will be per­mit­ted sub­ject to admin­is­tra­tive exi­gen­cies and can­not be claimed as a mat­ter of right.


  1. Change of exam­i­na­tion cen­tre from one city to anoth­er city will gen­er­al­ly be considered.
  1. In the case of mul­ti zone cities, it will be the endeav­our of the Insti­tute to allot the can­di­dates to exam­i­na­tion cen­tres ( i.e. schools/colleges) in the zones which they have opt­ed in the exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion form. How­ev­er, Insti­tute shall be at lib­er­ty to shift the can­di­dates to cen­tres ( i.e schools/colleges) in a zone oth­er than the zone opt­ed, in the same city, in case of short­age of accom­mo­da­tion in the zone opt­ed for or on account of any oth­er admin­is­tra­tive exigencies.


  1. Change of cen­tre from one zone to anoth­er zone, with­in the same city shall not be permitted.


  1. Change from one exam­i­na­tion cen­tre (i.e. school/college) to anoth­er exam­i­na­tion cen­tre ( i.e. school/college) with­in the same zone, in a city, shall not be permitted.


  1. Change of Group will gen­er­al­ly be considered.


  1. Change of Medi­um will be per­mit­ted sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty of the medi­um sought at the par­tic­u­lar cen­tre( i.e. school/college) where the can­di­date is orig­i­nal­ly allotted.


If the medi­um sought is not avail­able at the cen­tre( i.e. school/college) where the can­di­date is ini­tial­ly allot­ted, the can­di­date may be shift­ed to anoth­er cen­tre( i.e. school/college) in the same city/zone where the medi­um sought is available.

  1. Insti­tute shall not be responsible/ liable in respect of any hard­ship and/or con­se­quen­tial loss/damages that may be suf­fered by a can­di­date, in case he applies for the same, dur­ing the peri­od of 7 days imme­di­ate­ly pre­ced­ing the com­mence­ment of exam­i­na­tion and his request is not entertained.


  1. The fee of Rs 1000/- received for change of Centre/Group/Medium will not be refund­ed, except in those cas­es where the request can­not be con­sid­ered on account of admin­is­tra­tive rea­sons. Refund of such fee of Rs 1000/-, if applic­a­ble, will be made, 15 days after the last date of the examination.


The above arrange­ment will be effec­tive for sub­mis­sion of exam­i­na­tion appli­ca­tion forms relat­ing to May 2015 exam­i­na­tion onwards.

Can­di­dates are advised to take note of the above pro­vi­sions care­ful­ly and take advan­tage of the on-line facil­i­ty being made avail­able appropriately.

For any clar­i­fi­ca­tions in this regard, can­di­date may write to

Final Can­di­dates :                                                      

Intermediate(IPC) can­di­dates :                                   

CPT can­di­dates :                                                       

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