Only one IEC against a single PAN, Multiple IECs will be deactivated suo-moto
Public Notice No. 87 (RE-2013)/2009–2014
New Delhi, dated the 17th February, 2015
Subject: Cancellation of validity of Multiple IECs against single PAN — reg.
The para 2.9(b) of the Handbook of Procedure (HBP-Vol.I) (2009–2014) provides for only one IEC against a single PAN. However, it has been noticed from the centralised IEC data bank that multiple IECs have been obtained by some firms/companies from various Regional Authorities of DGFT against the single PAN. This requires corrective action for maintaining consistency with policy and data integrity.
2. Therefore, in exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy (2009–2014), the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby amends para 2.9(b) of HBP(Vol.I) (2009–14) as under:
“2.9.(b): Only one IEC shall be issued against a single PAN. Multiple IECs issued against a single PAN will be deactivated suo-moto after 31.03.2015.”
3. Accordingly, all Importers/exporters having multiple IECs against a single PAN have the option of retaining any one IEC and surrender all other IECs to the concerned RAs by 31.03.2015 for cancellation.
4. Effect of Public Notice
Multiple IECs against a single PAN, if not surrendered before 31.3.2015, will be deactivated.
(Pravir Kumar)
Director General of Foreign Trade