
Only one IEC against a single PAN, Multiple IECs will be deactivated suo-moto

Pub­lic Notice No. 87 (RE-2013)/2009–2014

New Del­hi, dat­ed the 17th Feb­ru­ary, 2015

Sub­ject: Can­cel­la­tion of valid­i­ty of Mul­ti­ple IECs against sin­gle PAN — reg.

The para 2.9(b) of the Hand­book of Pro­ce­dure (HBP-Vol.I) (2009–2014) pro­vides for only one IEC against a sin­gle PAN. How­ev­er, it has been noticed from the cen­tralised IEC data bank that mul­ti­ple IECs have been obtained by some firms/companies from var­i­ous Region­al Author­i­ties of DGFT against the sin­gle PAN. This requires cor­rec­tive action for main­tain­ing con­sis­ten­cy with pol­i­cy and data integrity.

2. There­fore, in exer­cise of pow­ers con­ferred under para­graph 2.4 of the For­eign Trade Pol­i­cy (2009–2014), the Direc­tor Gen­er­al of For­eign Trade here­by amends para 2.9(b) of HBP(Vol.I) (2009–14) as under:

2.9.(b): Only one IEC shall be issued against a sin­gle PAN. Mul­ti­ple IECs issued against a sin­gle PAN will be deac­ti­vat­ed suo-moto after 31.03.2015.”

3. Accord­ing­ly, all Importers/exporters hav­ing mul­ti­ple IECs against a sin­gle PAN have the option of retain­ing any one IEC and sur­ren­der all oth­er IECs to the con­cerned RAs by 31.03.2015 for cancellation.

4. Effect of Pub­lic Notice

Mul­ti­ple IECs against a sin­gle PAN, if not sur­ren­dered before 31.3.2015, will be deactivated.

(Pravir Kumar)

Direc­tor Gen­er­al of For­eign Trade



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