Changes made in W.B.V.A.T.Act,2003 and in W.B.V.A.T.Rules,2005

Trade_Circular_16_2014 Every year after pub­li­ca­tion of the West Ben­gal Finance Act and of cor­re­spond­ing noti­fi­ca­tions by gov­ern­ment effect­ing the pro­ce­dur­al mat­ters con­nect­ed with the changes made in that Finance Act, it becomes nec­es­sary for issue of Trade Cir­cu­lar spec­i­fy­ing the important…

Banks may tighten their norms for Fixed Deposits also

The Finance Min­istry has asked pub­lic sec­tor banks to tight­en norms, includ­ing KYC mon­i­tor­ing for high-val­ue fixed deposits, to check the kind of frauds sus­pect­ed to have been com­mit­ted at Dena Bank and OBC. The min­istry would like banks to make a full-proof arrangement…