Responsibilities of the NBFCs accepting/holding public deposits with regard to submission of Returns and other information to RBI
The NBFCs accepting public deposits should furnish to RBI
- Annual return of critical parameters by a rejected company holding public deposits – NBS4
- Quarterly Return on liquid assets-NBS 3;
- Quarterly Return on prudential norms-NBS 2;
- Certificate from the Auditors that the company is in a position to repay the deposits as and when the claims arise;
- Audited balance sheet of each financial year and an audited profit and loss account in respect of that year as passed in the annual general meeting together with a copy of the report of the Board of Directors and a copy of the report and the notes on accounts furnished by its Auditors;
- Statutory Quarterly Return on deposits — NBS 1;
- Half-yearly ALM Returns by companies having public deposits of Rs. 20 crore and above or asset size of Rs. 100 crore and above irrespective of the size of deposits holding
- Monthly return on exposure to capital market by deposit taking NBFC with total assets of Rs 100 crore and above–NBS6; and
- A copy of the Credit Rating obtained once a year