
Sukanya Samriddhi account opening application form & Passbook (Specimen Copy) & reporting by Bank

RBI/2014–15/494 IDMD(DGBA).CDD.No.4052/15.02.006/2014–15

March 11, 2015

Sukanya Sam­rid­dhi Account

We for­ward here­with a copy of the Gov­ern­ment of India Noti­fi­ca­tion No. G.S.R.863(E) dat­ed Decem­ber 02, 2014 regard­ing the Sukanya Sam­rid­dhi Account for nec­es­sary action at your end. The Gov­ern­ment of India, vide this Noti­fi­ca­tion, has noti­fied the Sukanya Sam­rid­dhi Account Rules, 2014, which came into force with effect from Decem­ber 02, 2014.

2. Report­ing of the Sukanya Sam­rid­dhi Account trans­ac­tions i.e. receipt, pay­ment, penal­ty, etc. may be direct­ly done through the Gov­ern­ment Account at Cen­tral Account Sec­tion, Reserve Bank of India, Nag­pur on dai­ly basis like the trans­ac­tions of PPF, 1968, in order to have uni­for­mi­ty in report­ing, rec­on­cil­i­a­tion and accounting.

3. The Agency banks are required to observe the rules and reg­u­la­tions of the Scheme, and non-obser­vance of rules and reg­u­la­tions would attract penal action, includ­ing de-autho­riza­tion of the branch or bank. Pecu­niary lia­bil­i­ties, if any, aris­ing from such non-obser­vance shall be borne entire­ly by the bank.

4. You may, there­fore, approach Cen­tral Account Sec­tion, Reserve Bank of India, Nag­pur for nec­es­sary arrange­ments to report Sukanya Sam­rid­dhi Account trans­ac­tions with imme­di­ate effect.

5. Spec­i­men of account open­ing appli­ca­tion form and the pass­book of the Sukanya Sam­rid­dhi Account are also enclosed for ready ref­er­ence and nec­es­sary action at your end.

6. The con­tents of this cir­cu­lar may be brought to the notice of the branch­es of your bank oper­at­ing the PPF, 1968 Scheme. These instruc­tions should also be dis­played on the notice boards of your branch­es for information.

Yours faith­ful­ly

(R. K. Singh)
Deputy Gen­er­al Manager

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