
THE MUNICIPAL CO-OP.BANK LTDMUMBAI Quotation for appointment of Concurrent Auditor.


Sub : Quo­ta­tion for appoint­ment of Con­cur­rent Auditor.

Date : 01.12.2014

This Bank is Salary Earn­ers Urban Co-oper­a­tive Bank hav­ing work­ing cap­i­tal Rs.2521.34 crores as on 31.03.2014. They intend to appoint Reg­is­tered Char­tered Accountants/Firm for con­duct­ing Con­cur­rent Audit of 21 branch­es, 5 octroi col­lec­tion cen­tres and Head Office (Accounts, Admin­is­tra­tion, Loan, Estate, Print­ing & Sta­tionery, MR, Com­put­er Depart­ment & Sec­re­tar­i­al depart­ments) for the finan­cial year 2015–2016.

Bank has imple­ment­ed Core Bank­ing Soft­ware (B@ncs24) at its all Branch­es­lOc­troi Col­lec­tion Cen­ters and Head Office (Accounts Sec­tion). Con­cur­rent audit is to be car­ried out accord­ing­ly and also exam­ine var­i­ous aspects con­nect­ed with the sys­tem along­with guide­lines issued by Reserve Bank of India. Reg­is­trar of Co-oper­a­tive Soci­eties, I.C.A.1 (as applic­a­ble) from time to time and policies/rules decid­ed by Board of Direc­tors of the Bank.

. The Con­cur­rent Audi­tors offi­cials should remain present every work­ing day in branch/octroi col­lec­tion cen­ter and Head Office for car­ry­ing out 100% con­cur­rent audit work. If audi­tor remains absent for 2 or more work­ing days in a week in branch/octroi col­lec­tiOn center/Head Office, Bank will deduct • 3% penal­ty for each absent day from his sanc­tion month­ly audit fee of branch/octroi col­lec­tion cen­ter and Head Office. Audi­tor should com­plete 100% audit of day to day trans­ac­tion of that par­tic­u­lar day, with­in 5 days else the penal­ty @ 3% will be charged.

Quar­ter­ly con­cur­rent audit report should be sub­mit­ted in 2 copies in Marathi lan­guage only with­in 15 days from the end of quarter.

Quo­ta­tions from along with Scope of Audit should be sub­mit­ted in a sealed cov­er super scribed as “Quo­ta­tion for the Work of the Con­cur­rent Audit” and be deposit­ed in the ten­der box kept for this pur­pose at our Head Office, MUNICIPAL BANK BHAVAN, 245, P.D’MELLO ROAD, FORT, MUMBAI-400001 up to 3.00 p.m. on or before 12.12.2014.

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