THE MUNICIPAL CO-OP.BANK LTD…MUMBAI Quotation for appointment of Concurrent Auditor.
Sub : Quotation for appointment of Concurrent Auditor.
Date : 01.12.2014
This Bank is Salary Earners Urban Co-operative Bank having working capital Rs.2521.34 crores as on 31.03.2014. They intend to appoint Registered Chartered Accountants/Firm for conducting Concurrent Audit of 21 branches, 5 octroi collection centres and Head Office (Accounts, Administration, Loan, Estate, Printing & Stationery, MR, Computer Department & Secretarial departments) for the financial year 2015–2016.
Bank has implemented Core Banking Software (B@ncs24) at its all BrancheslOctroi Collection Centers and Head Office (Accounts Section). Concurrent audit is to be carried out accordingly and also examine various aspects connected with the system alongwith guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India. Registrar of Co-operative Societies, I.C.A.1 (as applicable) from time to time and policies/rules decided by Board of Directors of the Bank.
. The Concurrent Auditors officials should remain present every working day in branch/octroi collection center and Head Office for carrying out 100% concurrent audit work. If auditor remains absent for 2 or more working days in a week in branch/octroi collectiOn center/Head Office, Bank will deduct • 3% penalty for each absent day from his sanction monthly audit fee of branch/octroi collection center and Head Office. Auditor should complete 100% audit of day to day transaction of that particular day, within 5 days else the penalty @ 3% will be charged.
Quarterly concurrent audit report should be submitted in 2 copies in Marathi language only within 15 days from the end of quarter.
Quotations from along with Scope of Audit should be submitted in a sealed cover super scribed as “Quotation for the Work of the Concurrent Audit” and be deposited in the tender box kept for this purpose at our Head Office, MUNICIPAL BANK BHAVAN, 245, P.D’MELLO ROAD, FORT, MUMBAI-400001 up to 3.00 p.m. on or before 12.12.2014.