Author: commerceclub

Key Highlights of Budget Proposals 2019-II

BUDGET 2019-II INCOME TAX PROPOSAL- INDIVIDUAL Those hav­ing annu­al income of Rs 5 lakh exempt from pay­ing tax­es Addi­tion­al income tax deduc­tion of Rs 1.50 lakh on the inter­est paid on loans for Elec­tron­ic Vehi­cle Inter­est sub­ven­tion for up to Rs 2.5…

DIR‑3 KYC Date Extended

The Min­istry of Cor­po­rate Affairs has received rep­re­sen­ta­tions from stake­hold­ers express­ing cer­tain dif­fi­cul­ties in fil­ing e‑form DIR‑3 KYC in accor­dance with Rule 12A of the Com­pa­nies (Appoint­ment and Qual­i­fi­ca­tion of Direc­tors) Rules, 2014. Requests have also been made for exten­sion of…

35th GST Council Meeting Press Release and Recomandation

GST Coun­cil deci­sion relat­ing to changes in law and pro­ce­dure The 35th GST Coun­cil Meet­ing was held here today under the chair­man­ship of Union Finance & Cor­po­rate Affairs Min­is­ter Smt. Nir­mala Sithara­man. This was the first meet­ing of the Coun­cil after…

GST Rate reduced for Real Estate Sector

Rec­om­men­da­tions of the 33rd GST Coun­cil meet­ing  Real estate sec­tor is one of the largest con­trib­u­tors to the nation­al GDP and pro­vides employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ty to large num­bers of peo­ple. “Hous­ing for All by 2022” envi­sions that every cit­i­zen would have…

Key highlights of the Interim Budget 2019–20

The key high­lights of the Inter­im Bud­get 2019–20 pre­sent­ed by Shri Piyush Goy­al in Par­lia­ment today are as fol­lows: Income Tax Per­sons hav­ing Total Income upto Rs. 5 lakh exempt­ed from Income Tax. Basic Exemp­tion lim­it and Tax Slab has been…

Major Changes in GST effective from 01.02.2019

Fol­low­ing Amend­ments would take effect under GST from 1st Feb 2019. Upper lim­it of turnover for opt­ing com­po­si­tion scheme shall be raised from Rs. 1 Cr to Rs. 1.50 Cr. A Com­pos­ite dealer(in goods) shall be allowed to sup­ply ser­vices (oth­er than…

Taxability of Perquisites Under Income Tax

Tax­a­bil­i­ty of Dif­fer­ent Perquisites paid to Employ­ees by Employ­ers in the hand of Employ­ee for the finan­cial year 2018–19 under Income Tax. Sec­tion wise details has been giv­en in tab­u­lar For­mat. 17(2)(i)/(ii) read with Rule 3(1) Rent free unfur­nished accom­mo­da­tion provided…